

adverbe (invariable) : bien, convenablement ; correct, à bon escient, parfaitement, exactement, absolument

  • opposé à micchā, notamment quand il désigne les 8 membres de l'Octuple Sentier des Nobles.

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

sammā (2) (indecl.) [Vedic samyac (=samyak) & samīś “connected,in one”; see under saṁ°] thoroughly,properly,rightly; in the right way,as it ought to be,best,perfectly (opp.micchā) D.I,12; Vin.I,12; Sn.359; 947; Dh.89,373.Usually as °-,like sammā-dhārā even or proper showers ( the right time) Pv.II,970; especially in connection with constituents of the eightfold Aryan Path,where it is contrasted with micchā; see magga 2 a.(e.g.VbhA.114 sq.,121,320 sq.).‹-› The form sammā is reduced to samma° before short vowels (with the insertion of a sandhi –d-,cp.puna-deva),like samma-d-eva properly,in harmony or completeness D.I,110; Vin.I,9:PvA.139,157; samma-daññā & °akkhāta (see below); and before double consonants arisen from assimilation,like sammag-gata (=samyak+gata).The cpds.we shall divide into two groups,viz.(A) cpds.with samma°,(B) with sammā°.

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

samyak [n. samyac] adv. ensemble, simultanément | bien, convenablement, proprement, à bon escient, comme il convient | justement, correctement, exactement; vraiment, absolument.

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