

adverbe (invariable) : négligemment, faussement, à tort ; fréquent avec les verbes d'expression verbale : “parler faussement”, “mentir”

  • étymologie : skt. mṛṣā

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

musā (adv.) [Vedic mṛṣā,fr.mṛṣ,lit.“neglectfully”] falsely,wrongly; uṣually with verbs vadati, bhanati, bhāsati & brūti to speak falsely,to tell a lie.– A.I,149 (opp.saccaṃ); Sn.122,158,397,400,757,883,967,1131; Nd1 291; Pv.I,33; VvA.72 (=abhūtaṃ atacchaṃ); SnA 19; PvA.16,152. –vāda lying,a falsehood,a lie D.I,4,25; III,68 sq.; 92 sq.,106,170,195,232,269; M.I,414; Sn.129,242 (cp.D.II,174); Dh.246; Pug.57; Nd1 268; Vv 158; Pv.I,68; VbhA.383 (var.degrees); PvA.16; Sdhp.65; explicitly at Nd1 152,394; Nd2 515.Cp.mosavajja.–vādin speaking falsely,lying D.I,138; III,15,82; Dh.176; Pug.29,38.

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

mṛṣā [mṛṣ] adv. en vain, inutilement | faussement, à tort — act. f. tromperie, mensonge, fausseté — v. [11] pr. md. (mṛṣāyate) être dans l'erreur.

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