

adverbe (invariable), particule enclitique d'affirmation et d'insistance : en effet, certes, or, vraiment, sûrement ; alors, voilà que

  • étymologie : contraction du skt. khalu
  • commentaires : souvent sous la forme khv’ devant voyelle

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

kho [before vowels often khv'; contr. of khalu=Sk. khalu] an enclitic particle of affirmation & emphasis: indeed, really, surely; in narration: then, now (cp. kira); in question: then, perhaps, really. Def. as adhikār' antara – nidassan' atthe nipāto KhA 113; as avadhāraṇaŋ (affirmative particle) PvA 11, 18. – A few of its uses are as foll.: abhabbo kho Vin i.17; pasādā kho D ii.155. After pron.: mayhaṃ kho J i.279; ete kho Vin i.10; idaṃ kho ibid.; so ca kho J i.51; yo kho M i.428; – After a negation: na kho indeed not J ii.111; no ca khv' āssa A v.195; mā kho J i.253; – Often combd with pana : na sakkhā kho pana “is it then not possible” J i.151; api ca kho pana J i.253; siyā kho pana D ii.154; – Following other particles. esp. in aoristic narration: atha kho (extremely frequent); tatra kho ; tāpi kho ; api ca kho ; evaṃ bhante ti kho ; evaṃ byā kho Vin iv.134; Dh i.27, etc. – In interr. sentences it often follows nu : kin nu kho J i.279; atthi nu kho J iii.52; kahan nu kho J i.255.

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

khalu adv. certes, en vérité ; voilà que ; or | cessons de <abs.>.

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