verbe : laver, nettoyer
khaleti [Sk.kṣālayati of kṣal?] wash (cp.pakkhāleti),slang for “to treat badly,” “to give a rubbing” or thrashing (exact meaning problematic); only at J.IV,205=382:gale gahetvā khalayātha jammaṁ “take the rascal by the throat and thrash him” (Com.khalayātha khalīkāraṁ (i.e.a “rub,” kind of punishment) pāpetvā niddhamatha=give him a thrashing & throw him both passages is galayātha).
kṣal [relié à kṣar] v. [10] pr. (kṣālayati) pp. (kṣālita) pf. (pra) laver; nettoyer | ondoyer, purifier par l'eau.