

adjectif : seul, entier, complet
adverbe (invariable) : seulement, complètement

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

kevala (adj.-adv.) [cp.Lat.caelebs=*caivilo-b° to live by oneself, live in celibacy,perhaps also, Goth.hails, Ohg.heil, E.whole] expression of the concept of unity and totality : only,alone ; whole,complete ; adv.altogether or only – 1.°ṁ (adv.) (a) only=just:k.tvaṁ amhākaṁ vacanaṁ karohi “do all we tell you” PvA.4; – only=but,with this difference:VvA.203,249; – k....vippalapati he only talks PvA.93; ‹-› and yet:“sakkā nu kiñci adatvā k.sagge nibbattituṁ? “ is it possible not to give anything,and yet go to heaven? kevalaṁ mano-pasāda-mattena only by purity of mind DhA.I,33; kevalaṁ vacchake balava-piyacittatāya simply by the strong love towards the babycalf Vism.313; (b) alone:k.araññaṁ gamissāmi VvA.260; – exclusive Miln.247.– na k....atha kho not only ...but also VvA.227.– 2.whole,entire Sn.p.108; Cp.I.1019; Pv.II,63 (=sakala PvA.95); Vism.528 (=asammissa,sakala); Pv.II,63 (=sakala PvA.95).‹-› k.›akevala entire›deficient M.I,326.°ṁ entirely,thoroughly,all round:k° obhāsenti VvA.282. –kappa a whole kappa Sn.pp.18,45,125; KhA 115; VvA.124,255.–paripuṇṇa fulfilled in its entirety (sakala DA.I,177) of the Doctrine; expld also at Nett 10.

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

kevala a. m. n. f. kevalā f. kevalī seul, isolé; exclusif; pur, sans mélange; abstrait | absolu, entier — m. ifc. un simple <iic.> — n. phil. doctrine de l'unité de l'Esprit.

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