
iti / (i)ti

particule (invariable) : ainsi, voilà, en ces termes ; à savoir ; dit-il

  • commentaire : la forme élidée 'ti est surtout employée pour signaler une citation (placée en finale) et entraîne un allongement de la voyelle ou une modification de la nasale la précédant.

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

ititi) (indecl.) [Vedic iti,of pron.base *i,cp.Sk.itthaṁ thus,itthā here,there; Av.ipa so; Lat.ita & item thus.Cp.also P.ettha; lit.“here,there (now),then”] emphatic‹-› deictic particle “thus”.Occurs in both forms iti & ti,the former in higher style (poetry),the latter more familiar in conversational prose.The function of “iti” is expld. by the old Pāli a conventional phrase,looking upon it more as a “filling” particle than trying to define its meaning viz.–itī ti padasandhi padasaṁsaggo padapāripurī akkharasamavāyo etc.” Nd1 123 = Nd2 137.The same expln. also for iti’haṁ (see below IV.) –
I.As deictic adv.“thus,in this way” (Vism.423 iti = evaṁ) pointing to something either just mentioned or about to be mentioned:(a) referring to what precedes Sn.253 (n’eso maman ti iti naṁ vijaññā),805; It.123 (ito devā...taṁ namassanti); Dh.74 (iti bālassa saṅkappo thus think the –foolish),286 (iti bālo vicinteti); Vv 7910 (= evaṁ VvA.307); VvA.5.– (b) referring to what follows D.I,63 (iti paṭisañcikkhati); A.I,205 (id.) –
II.As emphatic part.pointing out or marking off a statement either as not one’s own (reported) or as the definite contents of (one’s own or other’s) thoughts.On the whole untranslatable (unless written as quotation marks),often only setting off a statement as emphatic,where we would either underline the word or phrase in question,or print it in italics,or put it in quot.marks (e.g.bālo ti vuccati Dh.63 = bālo vuccati).– direct speech (as given by writer or narrator),e.g.sādhu bhante Kassapa lābhataṁ esā janatā dassanāyā ti.Tena hi Sīha tvaṁ yeva Bhagavato ārocehī ti.Evaṁ bhante ti kho Sīho ....D.I,151.– indirect speech:(a) as statement of a fact “so it is that” (cp.E.“viz.”,Ger.“und zwar”),mostly untranslated Kh IV.(arahā ti pavuccati); J.I,253 (tasmā pesanaka-corā t’eva vuccanti); III,51 (tayo sahāyā ahesuṁ makkato sigālo uddo ti); PvA.112 (aṅkuro pañca-sakaṭasatehi ...aññataro pi brāhmaṇo pañca-sakaṭasatehī ti dve janā sakata-sahassehi ...patipannā).– (b) as statement of a thought “like this”,“I think”,so,thus Sn.61 (“saṅgo eso” iti ñatvā knowing “this is defilement”),253 (“neso maman” ti iti naṁ vijaññā),783 (“iti’han” ti),1094 (etaṁ dīpaṁ anāparaṁ Nibbānaṁ iti naṁ brūmi I call this N.),1130 (aparā pāraṁ gaccheyya tasmā “Parāyanaṁ” iti).–
III,Peculiarities of spelling.(1) in combn. with other part.iti is elided & contracted as follows: icc’evat’eva,etc.– (2) final a,i,u preceding ti are lengthened to ā,ī,ū,e.g.mā evaṁ akatthā ti DhA.I,7; kati dhurānī ti ibid; dve yeva dhurāni bhikkhū ti ibid.‹-›
IV.Combinations with other emphatic particles:+ eva thus indeed,in truth,really; as icc’eva Pv.I,119 (= evam eva PvA.59); t’eva J.I,253; Miin 114; tv’eva J.I,203; II,2.–iti kira thus now,perhaps,I should say D.I,228,229,240.–iti kho thus,therefore D.I,98,103; III,135.iti vā and so on (?),thus and such (similar cases) Nd1 13 = Nd2 420 A1.–iti ha thus surely,indeed Sn.934,1084 (see below under ītihītihaṁ; cp.SnA Index 669:itiha? and itikirā); It.76; DA.I,247,as iti haṃ at Sn.783 (same expln. at Nd1 71 as for iti).–kin ti how J.II,159.– kirā (f.) [a substantivised iti kira] hearsay,lit.“so I guess” or “I have heard” A.I,189 = II.191 sq.= Nd2 151.Cp.itiha.itibhava becoming so & so (opp.abhava not becoming) Vin.II,184 (°abhava); D.I,8 (ip = iti bhavo iti abhavo DA.I,91); A.II,248; It.109 (id.); syn.with itthabhava (q.v.).itivāda “speaking so & so”,talk,gossip M.I,133; S.V,73; A.II,26; It III,35.itivuttaka (nt.) [a noun formation fr.iti vuttaṁ] “so it has been said”,(book of) quotations,“Logia”,N.of the fourth book of the Khuddaka-nikāya,named thus because every sutta begins with vuttaṁ h’etaṁ Bhagavatā “thus has the Buddha said” (see khuddaka and navaṅga) Vin.III,8; M.I,133; A.II,7,103; III,86,177,361 sq.; Pug.43,62; KhA 12.Kern,Toev.s.v.compares the interesting BSk.distortion itivṛttaṁ.itihāsa [= iti ha āsa,preserving the Vedic form āsa,3rd sg.perf.of atthi] “thus indeed it has been”,legendary lore,oral tradition,history; usually mentioned as a branch of brahmanic learning,in phrase itihāsa-pañca-mānaṁ padako veyyākaraṇo etc.D.I,88 = (see DA.I,247); A.I,163; III,223; Sn.447,1020.Cp.also M Vastu I.556.itihītiha [itiha + itiha] “so & so” talk,gossip,oral tradition,belief by hearsay etc.(cp.itikirā & anītiha.Nd2 spells ītihītiha) M.I,520; S.I,154; Sn.1084; Nd2 151.

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

iti [relié à idam] part. cl. ainsi, voilà, en ces termes; à savoir, c'est pourquoi, c'est ainsi que; à cet effet | dit-il (ferme une citation implicite); en disant, en parlant; en se disant, en pensant | même (souligne le mot précédent); sous le nom de, voici le sens de | gram. dénote le sens du mot qui précède (autonymie) | d'après, selon (devant un auteur) || lat. itidem.

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