

particule (invariable) : si

  • fréquemment employé en composition : ahañ ce, ettha ce, noce, yañce, sace
  • se construit avec l'indicatif, le conditionnel, le potentiel

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

ce,[Vedic ced; ce = Lat.que in absque,ne-c,etc.,Goth.h in ni-h.see also ca 3] conditional particle “if”, constructed either with Indicative (ito ce pi yojanasate,viharati even if he lived 100 y.from here D.I,117) or Conditional (tatra ce tumhe assatha kupitā D.I,3),or Potential (passe ce vipulaṃ sukhaṃ Dh.290).– Always enclitic (like Lat.que) & as a rule placed after the emphasized word at the beginning of the sentence : puññañ ce puriso kayirā Dh.118; brāhmaṇo ce tvaṃ brūsi Sn.457.Usually added to pronouns or pron.adverbs : ahañ ce va kho pana ceteyyaṃ D.I,185 ; ettha ce te mano atthi S.I,116,or combd with other particles,as noceyañcesace (q.v.).Freq.also in combn with other indef.interrog.or emphatic particles,as ce va kho pana if then,if now : ahañ ce va kho pana pañhaṃ puccheyyaṃ D.I,117 ; ahañ ce va kho pana abhivādeyyaṃ D.I,125; api (pi) ce even if : api ce vassasataṁ jīve mānavo Sn.589.

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

ced var. cet_2 [ca] conj. cl. si, pourvu que, au cas où (ce qui précède).

ca conj. cl. et, aussi, ainsi que | mais, par contre, bien que; si | même; précisément, uniquement || lat. que.

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