verbe : passer (temps), franchir, passer outre, laisser derrière soi, surmonter, dominer
Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede
acceti [ati + eti fr. i] 1. to pass (of time),to go by,to elapse Th.1,145 (accayanti ahorattā). – 2. to overcome,to get over Miln.36 (dukkhaṁ). – Caus. acceti to make go on (Loc.),to put on J.VI,17 (sūlasmiṁ; C. āvuṇeti),but at this passage prob. to be read appeti (q. v.).
Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)
atī [ati-i] v. [2] pr. (atyeti) pp. (atīta) pf. (upa, vi) passer (temps); franchir (distance) | passer outre, dominer; transcender; laisser derrière | se débarrasser de, échapper à.
| Voix active | Voix passive |
| sing. | plu. | sing. | plu. |
3e pers. | acceti | accenti | accayate | accayante |
2e pers. | accesi | accetha | accayase | accayavhe |
1ère pers. | accemi | accema | accaye | accayāmhe, accayāmhase |
| Voix active | Voix passive |
| sing. | plu. | sing. | plu. |
3e pers. | accetu | accentu | accayataṃ | accayantaṃ |
2e pers. | accehi | accetha | accayassu | accayavho |
1ère pers. | accemi | accema | accaye | accayāmase |
| Voix active | Voix passive |
| sing. | plu. | sing. | plu. |
3e pers. | acceyya | acceyyuṃ | acceyyayetha | acceyyayeraṃ |
2e pers. | acceyyāsi | acceyyātha | acceyyetho | acceyyeyyavho |
1ère pers. | acceyyaṃ, acceyyāmi | acceyyāma | acceyyeyyaṃ | acceyyeyyāmase |
| Voix active |
| sing. | plu. |
3e pers. | accissati | accissanti |
2e pers. | accissasi | accissatha |
1ère pers. | accissāmi | accissāma |
| Voix active |
| sing. | plu. |
3e pers. | accissa, accissā | accissaṃsu |
2e pers. | accissa | accissatha |
1ère pers. | accissaṃ | accissāma |