

préfixe (invariable) : tout autour, contre, au-dessus, par dessus, supérieur, beaucoup

  • commentaire : l'idée originelle du préfixe est celle d'un encerclement de tous côtés, qui assure une maîtrise totale
  • en composition : devient abbh devant voyelle (autre que “i”) ; ex. abbhuṭṭhāti = abhi + ud + sthā
  • étymologie : gr. αμφι ; lat. ambi

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

abhi – [prefix, Vedic abhi, which represents both Idg *m̊bhi, as in Gr. a)mfi/ around, Lat. ambi, amb round about, Oir. imb, Gall. ambi, Ohg. umbi, Ags. ymb, cp. also Vedic (Pāli) abhitaḥ on both sides; and Idg. *obhi, as in Lat. ob towards, against (cp. obsess, obstruct), Goth. bi, Ohg. Ags. bī = E. be – .


I. Meaning. – 1. The primary meaning of abhi is that of taking possession and mastering, as contained in E. coming by and over – coming, thus literally having the function of (a) facing and aggressing = towards, against, on to, at (see II. 1, a); and (b) mastering = over, along over, out over, on top of (see II. 1, b). 2. Out of this is developed the fig. meaning of increasing, i. e., an intensifying of the action implied in the verb (see III. 1). Next to saŋ – it is the most frequent modification preflx in the meaning of “very much, greatly” as the first part of a double – prefix cpd. (see III. 2), and therefore often seemingly superfluous, i. e., weakened in meaning, where the second part already denotes intensity II. Lit. Meaning. – 1. As single pref.: (a) against, to, on to, at – , (b) out, over, all around, © abhi has the function of transitivising intrs. verbs after the manner of E. be – (con – ) and Ger. er – , thus resembling in meaning a simple Caus. formation.

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

abhi prép. : vers ; au sujet de, à propos de — pf. vers, contre | supérieur à, intense ; suprême || gr. αμφι ; lat. ambi ; all. um.

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