substantif (féminin) : soif, sécheresse (sens littéral) ; envie, convoitise, désir né de l'insatisfaction
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taṇhā (f.) [Sk. tṛṣṇā, besides tarśa (m.) & ṭṛṣ (f.)=Av. tarśna thirst, Gr. tarsi/a dryness, Goth. paúrsus, Ohg. durst, E. drought & thirst; to *ters to be, or to make dry in Gr. te/rsomai, Lat. torreo to roast, Goth. gapaírsan, Ohg. derren. – Another form of t. is tasiṇā] lit. drought, thirst; fig. craving, hunger for, excitement, the fever of unsatisfied longing (c. loc.: kabaḷinkāre āhāre “thirst” for solid food S ii.101 sq.; cīvare piṇḍapāte taṇhā=greed for Sn 339). Oppd to peace of mind (upekhā, santi). – A. Literal meaning: khudāya taṇhāya ca khajjamānā tormented by hunger & thirst Pv ii.15 (=pipāsāya PvA 69). – B. In its secondary meaning: taṇhā is a state of mind that leads to rebirth.
tṛṣṇā [act. tṛṣ_1] f. soif; désir, convoitise; concupiscence | bd. le désir, 8e cause de souffrance [pratītyasamutpāda] — ifc. avidité de.