

substantif (féminin) : naissance, génération ; race, descendance, généalogie, rang, caste ; genre, espèce

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids & William Stede

(extrait ; lire la totalité : https://dsal.uchicago.edu/cgi-bin/app/pali_query.py?qs=jāti&searchhws=yes&matchtype=exact)

jāti (f.) [see janati & cp. Gr. γενεά, γένεσις; Lat. gens; Goth. kind-ins]. — Instr. jātiyā (Sn 423) & jaccā (D ii.8; J iii.395; Dh 393); abl. jātiyā (S i.88) & jātito (by descent: D ii.8); loc. jātiyaŋ (PvA 10) & jātiyā (PvA 78). — 1. birth, rebirth, possibility of rebirth, “future life” as disposition to be born again, “former life” as cause of this life. — Jāti is a condition precedent of age, sickness & death, and is fraught with sorrow, pain & disappointment. It is itself the final outcome of a kamma, resting on avijjā, performed in anterior births; & forms thus the concluding link in the chain of the Paṭicca-samuppāda. […] — 2. descent, race, rank, genealogy (cp. φυή, genus), often combd w. gotta. Two grades of descent are enumd at Vin iv.6 as hīnā jāti (low birth), consisting of Candāḷa, Veṇa, Nesāda, Rathakāra & Pukkusa; and ukkaṭṭhā j. (superior birth), comprising Khattiyas & Brāhmaṇas. […] — 3. a sort of, kind of (cp. jāta 3): catujātigandha four kinds of scent J i.265; ii.291. — 4. (jāti˚) by (mere) birth or nature, natural (opp. artificial); or genuine, pure, excellent (opp. adulterated, inferior), cp. jāta 1 (b): in cpds., like ˚maṇi, ˚vīṇā, etc.
jātikkhaya the destruction of the chance of being reborn S v.168; A i.167; Sn 209, 517, 743; Dh 423. -khetta the realm of rebirth PvA 138 (=dasa cakkavāḷasahassāni); -thaddha conceited, proud of birth Sn 104 (+dhanatthaddha, gotta˚: proud of wealth & name); -thera a Th. by rank D iii.218; -nirodha the extermination of (the cause of) rebirth Vin i.1≈; -pabhava the origin or root of existence Sn 728; -puppha nutmeg J vi.367; -bhaya the fear of rebirth A ii.121; -bhūmi natural ground, in ˚bhūmaka, ˚bhūmika, ˚bhūmiya living on nat. gr. (vassaŋ vasati) M i.145; A iii.366; -maṇi a genuine precious stone J ii.417; -maya constituting birth, being like birth ThA 285; -vāda reputation of birth, character of descent, parentage. The 1st of the 5 characteristics constituting a “well-bred” brahmin: yāva sattamā pitāmahāyugā akkhitto anupakkuṭṭho jātivādena “of unblemished parentage back to the 7th generation” D i.120, etc. (=DA i.281); A i.166; iii.152, 223; Sn 315, 596. Cp. gotta-vāda (e. g. D i.99); -vibhanga a characteristic of birth, a distinction in descent Sn 600; -vīṇā a first-class lute J ii.249; -sampanna endowed with (pure) birth (in phrase khattiyo muddhâvasitto j.˚) A iii.152; -sambhava the origin of birth A i.142; iii.311; J i.168; -sambheda difference of rank DhA i.166; -saŋsāra the cycle of transmigration, the saŋsāra of rebirths (see above 1 d. f.): pahīna left behind, overcome (by an Arahant) M i.139; A iii.84, 86; ˚ŋ khepetvā id. Th 2, 168; vitiṇṇo j.˚ n' atthi tassa punabbhavo Sn 746; -sindhava a well-bred horse J ii.97; -ssara the remembrance of (former) births (˚ñāṇa) J i.167; iv.29; DhA ii.27; iv.51; cp. cutûpapāta-ñāṇa); -hingulaka (& hingulikā) natural vermilion J v.67; VvA 4, 168, 324.

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

jāti [*jan-ti] f. famille, caste ; genre, espèce ; naissance, race, noblesse, rang | sorte, classe | bio. espèce animale ou végétale | bd. la naissance, 11e cause de souffrance [pratītyasamutpāda] | phil. généralité, trait commun ; opp. vyakti | phil. [Nyāya] caractère générique | gram. [sémantique] universel | gram. mot commun ; mot tout-fait | lit. type de langue (sanskrit, prakrit ou apabhraṃśa) | lit. [«caractère intrinsèque»] procédé poétique [alaṃkāra] de description réaliste de la nature ; syn. svabhāvokti | phon. classe de mètres, mesurés en mores [mātra] ; opp. vṛttā | var. jātī bio. bot. Myristica fragrans, arbre muscadier ; la graine de son fruit est la noix de muscade.