Table des matières



substantif (adjectif) : second, deuxième

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

dutiya (num.ord.) [Sk.dvitīya,with reduction of dvi to du,as in compn mentioned under dvi B II.For the meaning “companion” cp.num.ord.for two in Lat.secundussequor,i.e.he who follows,& Gr.deu/terosdeu/omai he who stays behind,also Sk.davīyas farther] (a) (num.) the second,the following J.II,102,110; dutiyaṃ for the second time (cp.tatiyaṃ in series 1,2,3) Vin.II,188; D.II,155.– (b) (adj.n.) one who follows or is associated with,an associate of; accompanying or accompanied by (-°); a companion,friend,partner Vin.IV,225; S.I,25 (saddhā dutiyā purisassa hoti=his 2nd self); IV,78 (id.) I.131; It.9; J.V,400; Th.2,230 (a husband); Sn.49 (=Nd2 305,where two kinds of associates or companions are distinguished,viz.taṇhā° & puggalo°).taṇhā-dutiyā either “connected with thirst” or “having thirst as one’s companion” (see taṇhā) S.IV,37; It.109=A.II,10; bilaṅga° kaṇājaka (rice with sour gruel) Vin.II,77; S.I,90,91.– adutiya alone,unaccompanied PvA.161.

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

dvitīya [dvi-īya] a. m. n. f. dvitīyā ord. deuxième, second | astr. (mois) intercalaire — ifc. ayant pour second, accompagné de, muni de — m. deuxième fils de la famille | phon. deuxième phonème d'un varga (consonne sourde aspirée) — n. ifc. moitié de — f. dvitīyā accompagnante, amie proche; épouse (autre soi)