Table des matières



substantif (masculin) : littéralement qui devient ; renaissance, état / forme d'existence


substantif (masculin) : nature, état, le fait d'être (devenu), condition, forme de devenir ou d'existence

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

bhava [cp.Sk.bhava,as philosophical term late,but as N.of a deity Vedic; of bhū,see bhavati] “becoming," (form of) rebirth,(state of) existence,a “life." There are 3 states of existence conventionally enumd as kāma°, rūpa°, arūpa° or sensual existence,deva-corporeal,& formless existence (cp.rūpa) D.II,57; III,216; S.II,3; IV,258; A.II,223; III,444; Nd1 48; Nd2 s.v.dhātu B.; Vism.210=DA.I,34; Vism.529; VbhA.204.– Another view is represented by the division of bhava into kamma° and upapatti° (uppatti°),or the active functioning of a life in relation to the fruitional,or resultant way of the next life (cp.Cpd.43) Vbh.137; Vism.571; VbhA.183; also in def.of bhava at Nd2 471 (kamma° and paṭisandhika punabbhava).– In the “causal chain" (Paṭicca-samuppāda,q.v.) bhava is represented as condition of birth (jāti),or resultant force for new birth.– See Sn.361,514,742,839,923,1055,1133; Dh.348; Nd1 274; Vbh.294,358; Vism.556 sq.; DhA.IV,221; Sdhp.33,333,335.– On itibhav’‹-› âbhava see iti,and add ref.Vbh.375.– A remarkable use of bhava as nt.(obstr.) to bhū (in cpd.) is to be noted in the def.given by Bdhgh.of divya=divi bhavaṁ (for divi-bhū) KhA 227; SnA 199; and mānasaṁ=manasi bhavaṁ (for manasi-bhū) KhA 248,cp.Pāṇini IV.3,53.Similarly āroga bhava health DhA.I,328 for °bhava.– Cp.anu°,vi°,sam°. –agga the best (state of) existence,the highest point of existence (among the gods) J.III,84; Vbh.426; Miln.132; KhA 179,249; SnA 17,41,507; often as highest “heaven" as opposed to Avīci,the lowest hell; thus at J.IV,182; VI,354; Miln.336.–aṅga constituent of becoming,function of being,functional state of subconsciousness,i.e.subliminal consciousness or subconscious life-continuum,the vital continuum in the absence of any process [of mind,or attention] (thus Expos.185 n.),subconscious individual life.See on term Cpd.26 sq.,265–267; & cp.Dhs.trsl.134.– J.VI,82; Miln.299 sq.; Vism.164,676; DhsA.72,140,269; DhA.I,23; VbhA.81,156 sq.,406.–antaga “gone to the ends of existence," past existence,Ep.of the Bhagavan Buddha Vism.210.–antara an existence interval,i.e.transition life to another,a previous or subsequent life Vism.553 sq.–âbhava this or that life,any form of existence some sort of existence Sn.1060,1068; Nd1 48,109,284; Nd2 472,664 A; Th.1,784 (ThA.mahantāmahanta bh.) ThA.71 (Ap.v.30); VbhA.501.–āsava the intoxicant of existence D.III,216; Vbh.364,373.–uppatti coming into (a new) ex.– Four such bh.-uppattis lead to rebirth among the foll.gods:the paritt’–ābhā devā,the appamāṇ’ābhā d.,the saṁkiliṭṭh’–ābhā d.,the parisuddh’–ābhā d.M.III,147.–esanā longing for rebirth D.III,216,270.–ogha the flood of rebirth (see ogha) Nd1 57,159; Vism.480.–cakka the wheel or round of rebirth,equivalent to the Paṭicca-samuppāda Vism.529,576 sq.; in the same context at VbhA.138,194 sq.–carimakā the last rebirth Vism.291.–taṇhā craving for rebirth D.III,212,216,274; S.V,432; Sn.746; Vbh.101,358,365; Th.2,458; ThA.282; VbhA.III,133.–netti [cp.BSk.bhava-netrī M.Vastu II.307; °netrika III,337] leader to renewed ex.,guide to ex.Vin.I,231; It.38; Dhs.1059≈ (cp.DhsA.364=bhava-rajju).–saṁyojana the fetter of rebirth:see arahant II.C.–salla the sting or dart of rebirth Dh.351 (=sabbāni bhavagāmīni sallāni DhA.IV,70).–sāta (pl.sātāni) the pleasures of ex.,variously enumd in sets of from one to six at Nd1 30.–ssita at J.V,371 read with ghaṭa-ssita.

bhāva [fr.bhū, cp.Vedic bhāva] 1.being,becoming,condition,nature; very rarely by itself (only in later & C.literature,as e.g.J.I,295 thīnaṁ bhāvo,perhaps best to be translated as “women’s character," taking bhāva=attabhāva); usually –°,denoting state or condition of,and representing an abstr.der.from the first part of the cpd.e.g.gadrabha° “asininity" J.II,109.Thus in connection with (a) adjectives:atthika° state of need PvA.120; ūna° depletion SnA 463; ekī° loneliness Vism.34; sithill° (for sithila° in conn.with kṛ & bhū) relaxation Vism.502.– (b) adverbs.upari° high condition M.I,45; pātu° appearance Sn.560; vinā° difference Sn.588.(c) nouns & noun-derivations:atta° individual state,life,character Sn.388 (=citta SnA 374); asaraṇa° state of not remembering DhA.III,121; samaṇa° condition of a recluse Sn.551.– (d) forms of verbs:nibbatta° fact of being reborn DhA.III,121; magg’ārūḷha° the condition of having started on one’s way VvA.64; baddha° that he was bound; suhita° that they were well J.IV,279.The translation can give either a full sentence with “that it was" etc.(VvA.64:“that he had started on his way"),or a phrase like “the fact or state of," or use as an English abstract noun ending in –ness (atthika-bhāva needfulness,eki° loneliness),–ion (ūna° depletion,pātu° manifestation).–hood (atta° selfhood),or –ship (samaṇa° recluseship).‹-› Similarly ināvo (m.) DhA.III,94,for *sampayuttattaṁ (abstr.); bhākuṭikassa bhāvo=bhakuṭiyaṁ Vism.26; sovacassassa bhāvo= sovacassatā KhA 148; mittassa bh.=mettaṁ KhA 248.Here sometimes bhava for bhāva.– 2.(in pregnant,specifically Buddhistic sense) cultivation or production by thought,mental condition,esp.a set mental condition (see der.bhāvanā).Sometimes (restricted to Vin & J) in sense “thinking of someone," i.e.affection,love,sentiment.– (a) in combn khanti, diṭṭhi, ruci, bhāva at Vin.II,205; III,93; IV,3,4.– (b) in Jātaka passages:J.V,237; VI,293 (bhāvaṁ karoti,with Loc.,to love).–abhāva (late,only in not being,absence,want PvA.25; Abl.abhāvato through not being,in want of PvA.9,17.–sabhāva (sva+bhāva) see sep.

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

bhava [agt. bhū_1] m. existence, état; origine, naissance; prospérité, excellence | obtention, acquisition | le monde, la vie ici-bas | phil. qualité du sentiment exprimé par l'artiste et ressenti par le spectateur de l'œuvre artistique, l'un des 6 canons esthétiques des arts plastiques [ṣaḍaṅgaśilpa] | bd. continuité de l'existence

bhāva [act. bhū_1] m. existence, présence; mode d'être; état, condition | état d'esprit; disposition; tempérament | situation; devenir; transition vers, transformation en <loc. iic.> | caractère, nature, essence; réalité; vérité | comportement, conduite | disposition psychologique, sentiment; pensée, intention | émotion, cœur; penchant, affection, amour | bd. l'instinct de survie et la copulation, 10e cause de souffrance [pratītyasamutpāda] | gram. résultat du procès lié à un verbe | astr. aspect d'une planète | astr. np. de Bhāva «Affectueux», qui personnalise l'an 8 d'un cycle de vie [saṃvatsara] | phil. [nyāya] relation discriminante (ex. pitṛputrabhāva) — ifc. état de (ex. bālabhāva jeunesse).