Table des matières



(1) (variante orthographique : aṭṭha) substantif (masculin et neutre) : intérêt, besoin, avantage, gain, bien(s), profits, prospérité, bien-être ; sens, signification, dénotation (d'un mot)

(2) substantif (neutre) : maison, lieu de repos, abri

(3) verbe - 2e pers. du pluriel du présent du verbe as : vous êtes


adjectif numéral : huit

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

(1) attha (also aṭṭha, esp. in combns mentioned under 3) (m. & nt.) [Vedic artha from ṛ, arti & ṛṇoti to reach, attain or to proceed (to or from), thus originally result (or cause), profit, attainment. Cp. semantically Fr. chose, Lat. causa]
1. interest, advantage, gain; (moral) good, blessing, welfare; profit, prosperity, well – being. – dat. atthāya for the good, for the benefit of (gen.); to advantage. Sometimes in a more concrete meaning = riches, wealth. – Often as – ˚: att˚, one's own welfare ; sāttha (adj.) connected with advantage, beneficial, profitable (of the Dhamma; or should we take it as “with the meaning, in spirit”? see sāttha). –
2. need, want (c. instr.), use (for = instr.). –
3. sense, meaning, import (of a word), denotation, signification. In this application attha is always spelt aṭṭha in cpds. aṭṭh – uppatti and aṭṭha – kathā. Very frequent in Commentary style at the conclusion of an explained passage as ti attho “this is the meaning”, thus it is meant, this is the sense. –
4.Contrasted with dhamma in the combn. attho ca dhammo ca it (attha) refers to the (primary, natural) meaning of the word, while dhamma relates to the (interpreted) meaning of the text, to its bearing on the norm and conduct; or one might say they represent the theoretical and practical side of the text (pāḷi) to be discussed, the “letter” and the “spirit”. –
5. (in very wide application, covering the same ground as Lat. res & Fr. chose): (a) matter, affair, thing, often untranslatable and simply to be given as “this” or “that”. – (b) affair, cause, case (cp. aṭṭa2 and Lat. causa). –
6. Adv. use of oblique cases in the sense of a prep.: (a) dat. atthāya for the sake of, in order to, for. – (b) acc. atthaṃ on account of, in order to, often instead of an infinitive or with another inf. substitute. – © abl. atthā. – (d) loc. atthe instead of, for.
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(2) attha (nt.) [Vedic asta,of uncertain etym.] home,primarily as place of rest & shelter,but in P.phraseology abstracted from the “going home",i.e.setting of the sun,as disappearance,going out of existence,annihilation,extinction.Only in Acc.and as °- in foll phrases:atthaṅgacchati to disappear,to go out of existence,to vanish Dh.226 (= vināsaṁ natthibhāvaṁ gacchati DhA.III,324),384 (= parikkhayaṁ gacchati); pp.atthaṅgata gone home,gone to rest,gone,disappeared; of the sun (= set):J.I,175 (atthaṅgate suriye at sunset); PvA.55 (id.) 216 (anatthaṅgate s.before sunset) fig.Sn.472 (atthagata).475 (id.); 1075 (= niruddha ucchinṇa vinaṭṭha anupādi-sesāya nibbāna-dhātuyā nibbuta); It.58; Dhs.1038; Vbh.195.–atthagatatta (nt.abstr.) disappearance SnA 409.–atthaṅgama (atthagama passim) annihilation,disappearance; opposed to samudaya (coming into existence) and synonymous with nirodha (destruction) D.I,34,37,183; S.IV,327; A.III,326; Ps.II,4,6,39; Pug.52; Dhs.165,265,501,579; Vbh.105.–atthagamana (nt.) setting (of the sun) J.I,101 (suriyass’atthagamanā at sunset) DA.I,95 (= ogamana).– attha-gāmin,in phrase uday’atthagāmin leading to birth and death (of paññā):see udaya.–atthaṁ paleti = atthaṅgacchati (fig.) Sn.1074 (= atthaṅgameti nirujjhati Nd2 28).– Also atthamita (pp.of i) set (of the sun) in phrase anatthamite suriye before sunset (with anatthaṅgamite as both pass.) DhA.I,86; III,127.– Cp.also abbhattha.
(3) attha pres.2nd pl.of atthi (q.v.).

aṭṭha [Vedic aṣṭau,old dual,Idg.*octou,pointing to a system of counting by tetrads (see also nava); Av.ašta,Gr.o]ktw/,Lat.octo,Goth.ahtau = Ohg.ahto,Ger.acht,E.eight] num.card,eight, pl.of number in objective significance,based on natural phenomena:see cpds.°aṅgula,°nakha,°pada,°pāda.B.The number in subjective significance. Lire la suite à la page :

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

(1) artha [ṛ-tha] m. but, cause, motif; intention; sens, signification | chose, objet; affaire; fait, réalité | récompense; utilité, intérêt | possession, propriété, biens, richesse, avoir; avantage, profit (de <i.>); pouvoir | soc. l'acquisition de biens matériels, un des buts de l'existence [puruṣārtha]; myth. il est personnifié comme Artha le Riche | gram. sens, signification d'un mot; notion à exprimer, sémantique; but communicatif | gram. l'un des trois usages d'un mot: sens propre [abhidhā_2], sens figuratif [lakṣaṇā] et sens suggestif [vyañjanā] — acc. artham adv. à cause de; en vue de, afin de, pour obtenir; à l'usage de; en guise de, comme <g. iic.> — g. arthāya id. — loc. arthe id. — i. arthena id. — dat. arthāt adv. selon le cas — v. [11] pr.
(2) asta [pp. as_2] a. m. n. f. astā lancé, jeté; rejeté, abandonné — n. coucher du soleil; disparition; fin, mort | patrie, demeure — m. montagne du couchant — f. astā flèche; missile.

aṣṭan num. * le nombre huit || gr. οκτω ; lat. octo ; ang. eight ; all. acht ; fr. huit.