Table des matières



adjectif : passé ; être éloigné de, avoir surmonté, libre de, avoir échappé à ; avoir dépassé, transgressé, négligé

emploi comme substantif (masculin/neutre ?) : le passé

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

atīta (adj.-n.) [Sk.atīta,ati + ita,pp.of i.Cp.accaya & ati eti] 1.(temporal) past,gone by (cp.accaya 1) (a) adj.atītaṃ addhānaṃ in the time which is past S.III,86; A.IV,219; V,32.– Pv.II,1212 (atītānaṃ,scil.attabhāvāuaṃ,pariyanto na dissati); khaṇâtīta with the right moment past Dh.315 = Sn.333; atītayobbana he who is past youth or whose youth is past Sn.110.– (b) nt.the past:atīte (Loc.) once upon a time J.I,98 etc.atītaṃ āhari he told (a tale of) the past,i.e.a Jātaka J.I,213,218,221 etc.– S.I,5 (atītaṃ nânusocati); A.III,400 (a.eko anto); Sn.851,1112.In this sense very frequently combd. with or opposed to anāgata the future & paccuppanna the present,e.g.atītânāgate in past & future S.II,58; Sn.373; J.VI,364.Or all three in ster.combn. atīt’-anāgata-paccuppanna (this the usual order) D.III,100,135; S.II,26,110,252; III,19,47,187; IV,4 sq.; 151 sq.; A.I,264 sq.,284; II,171,202; III,151; V,33; It.53; Nd2 22; but also occasionally atīta paccuppanna anāgata,e.g.PvA.100.– 2.(modal) passed out of,having overcome or surmounted,gone over,free from (cp.accaya 2) S.I,97 (maraṇaṃ an° not free from death),121 (sabbavera-bhaya°); A.II,21; III,346 (sabbasaṃyojana°); Sn.373 (kappa°),598 (khaya°,of the moon = ūnabhāvaṃ atīta SnA.463); Th.1,413 (c.Abl.) – 3.(id.) overstepping,having transgressed or neglected (cp.accaya 3) Dh.176 (dhammaṃ). –aṃsa the past (= atīta koṭṭhāse,atikkantabhavesū ti attho ThA.233) D.II,222; III,275; Th.2,314.–ārammaṇa state of mind arising out of the past Dhs.1041.

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

atīta [pp. atī] a. m. n. f. atītā passé, écoulé; laissé en arrière; trépassé, mort | qui a franchi, qui est allé au-delà; excessif | qui a négligé; négligent — n. le passé.