Table des matières



verbe : contrôler, restreindre, réprimer, réfréner, apaiser

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

yamati [yam,given in meaning “uparame” i.e.cessation,quieting at Dhtp 226 & Dhtm 322,at the latter with additional “nāse.” On etym.see Walde,Lat.Wtb.s.v.redimio and emo:cp.yanta] to restrain,suppress,to become tranquil; only in stanza Dh.6=Th.I,275=J.III,488 as 1stāmase in imper.sense:“pare ca na vijānanti mayaṁ ettha yamāmase,” which is expld both at DhA.I,65,Th.1 A,& J.III,489 in connection with yama,2 viz.“yamāmase:uparamāma nassāma satataṁ samitaṁ maccu-santikaṁ gacchāmā ti na jānanti,” i.e.let us go continually into the presence of death.A little further at DhA.I,66 the expln of it is “bhaṇḍ’‹-› ādīnaṁ vuddhiyā vāyamāmā ti na vijānanti.” The meaning is “to control oneself,” cp.saṁyamāmase S.I,209.Leop.v.Schroeder however trsls.“Und mancher Mann bedenket nicht:wir alle müssen sterben hier” (Worte der Wahrheit,p.2.).– yameyyātha at S.I,217 is wrongly separated from the preceding vā,which ought to be read as vāyameyyātha (so K.S.I.281).

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

yam [relié à yat_1] v. [1] pr. (yacchati) pft. (yayāma) pft. md. (yeme) pp. (yata) pf. (ā, ut, upa, ni, pra, sam) tenir, brandir; soutenir, porter; maintenir, conserver, procurer; retenir, refréner — pr. md. (yacchate) retenir; contrôler, refréner, subjuguer, maîtriser; se contrôler | offrir, conférer, accorder à <dat. loc.> | donner en échange contre <prati-abl.> — ca. (yamayati) tenir, retenir, refréner.