Table des matières



substantif (masculin / neutre) : pluie, averse, saison des pluies (mousson)

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

vassa (m.& nt.) [cp.Vedic varṣa (nt.) rain.For etym.see vassati1] 1.rain,shower J.IV,284; VI,486 (khaṇika sudden rain); Miln.307; Mhvs 21,31; DhA.III,163 (pokkhara° portentous); SnA 224 (mahā° deluge of rain); PvA.55 (vāta° wind & rain).– fig.shower,downpour,fall M.I,130=Vin.II,25 (kahāpaṇa°); DhA.II,83 (kusuma°).– Esp.the rainy season,lasting roughly from June to October (Āsāḷha-Kattika),often called “Lent,” though the term does not strictly correspond.Usually in pl.vassā (A.IV,138),also termed vassā-ratta “time of rains” (J.IV,74; V,38).Cp.BSk.varṣā,e.g:Divy 401,509.– Keeping Lent (i.e.spending the rainy season) is expressed by vassaṁ vasati Vin.III,10; Mhvs 16,8; or by vassa-vāsaṁ (vass’āvāsaṁ) vasati (see below),vassaṁ upeti S.V,152,vassaṁ upagacchati S.V,152; PvA.42.One who has kept Lent or finished the residence of the rains is a vuttha-vassa J.I,82; Mhvs 17,1; or vassaṁ vuttha Vin.III,11; S.I,199; V,405; PvA.43.Cp.BSk.varṣ’oṣita Divy 92,489.– Vassa-residence is vassa-vāsa (see below).– vassaṁ vasāpeti (Caus.) to induce someone to spend the rainy season PvA.20.– anto-vassaṁ during Lent; cp.antovass’eka-divasaṁ one day during Lent Mhvs 18,2; antara-vassaṁ id.S.IV,63.– 2.(nt.) a year A.IV,252 (mānusakāni paññāsa vassāni); Sn.289,446,1073.satta° (adj.) seven years old Mhvs 5,61; satta-aṭṭha° 7 or 8 years old PvA.67.– See cpd.°sata.– 3.semen virile,virility:see cpds.°kamma & °vara.

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

varṣa [agt. vṛṣ] m. pluie | bassin versant, division du monde entre deux chaînes de montagne (la tradition divise le monde en 9 versants: kuru, kiṃnara, ketumāla, bhārata, bhadrāśva, ramyaka, hari_2, hiraṇmaya, ilāvṛta) — n. année — f. cf. varṣā || pali vassa; fr. averse, versant.