Table des matières



adjectif : agréable, plaisant, satisfaisant
substantif (neutre) : bien-être, bonheur, satisfaction

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

sukha (adj.-n.) [Vedic sukha; in R.V.only of ratha; later generally] agreeable,pleasant,blest Vin.I,3; Dh.118,194,331; Sn.383; paṭipadā,pleasant path,easy progress A.II,149 sq.; Dhs.178; kaṇṇa-s.pleasant to the ear D.I,4; happy,pleased D.II,233.– nt.sukhaṁ wellbeing,happiness,ease; ideal,success Vin.I,294; D.I,73 sq.; M.I,37; S.I,5; A.III,355 (deva-manussānaṁ); It.47; Dh.2; Sn.67; Dhs.10; DhsA.117; PvA.207 (lokiya° worldly happiness).– kāyika sukkha bodily welfare Tikp 283; cp.Cpd.1121; sāmisaṁ s.material happiness A.I,81; III,412; VbhA.268.On relation to pīti (joy) see Vism.145 (saṅkhāra-kkhandha-saṅgahitā pīti,vedanā-kkhandha-saṅgahitaṁ sukhaṁ) and Cpd.56,243.– Defined further at Vism.145 & 461 (iṭṭha-phoṭṭhabb-ânubhavana-lakkhaṇaṁ; i.e.of the kind of experiencing pleasant contacts).– Two kinds,viz.kāyika & cetasika at Ps.I,188; several other pairs at A.I,80; three (praise,wealth,heaven) It.67; another three (manussa°,dibba°,nibbāna°) DhA.III,51; four (possessing,making good use of possessions,having no debts,living a blameless life) A.II,69.– gātha-bandhana-sukh’atthaṁ for the beauty of the verse J.II,224.– Opp.asukha D.III,222,246; Sn.738; or dukkha,with which often combd (e.g.Sn.67,873,with spelling dukha at both pass.).– Cases:Instr.sukhena with comfort,happily,through happiness Th.1,220; DhsA.406; Acc.sukhaṁ comfortably,in happiness; yathā s.according to liking PvA.133; sukhaṁ seti to rest in ease,to lie well S.I,41; A.I,136; Dh.19,201; J.I,141.Cp.sukhasayita.– s.edhati to thrive,prosper S.I,217; Dh.193; Sn.298; cp.sukham-edha Vin.III,137 (with Kern’s remarks Toev.II.83).s.viharati to live happily,A.I,96; III,3; Dh.379.– Der.sokhya.

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

sukha [su_1-kha] a. m. n. f. sukhā facile, agréable; joyeux, heureux — n. joie, bonheur, plaisir; confort, prospérité; opp duḥkha | phil. [vaiśeṣika] la qualité [guṇa] du plaisir | chance — f. cf. sukhā — v. [11] pr. (sukhyati) rendre heureux.