Table des matières



adjectif : propre, pur ; purifié, pur de coeur ; simple (non mélangé)

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

suddha [pp.of sujjhati] 1.clean,pure,Vin.I,16; II,152; D.I,110; Sn.476.– 2.purified,pure of heart M.I,39; Dh.125,412; Sn.90 – 3.simple,mere,unmixed,nothing but S.I,135; DhsA.72; J.II,252 (°daṇḍaka just the stick). –antaparivāsa a probation of complete purification Vin.II,59 sq.–ājīva clean livelihood VbhA.116; DhA.IV,111.–ājīvin living a pure life Dp 366.–ânupassin considering what is pure Sn.788; Nd1 85.–āvāsa pure abode,name of a heaven and of the devas inhabiting it D.II,50; Vism.392.Five are enumd at D.III,237,viz.Avihā,Atappā,Sudassā,Sudassī,Akaniṭṭhā; cp.M.III,103.–āvāsakāyika belonging to the pure abode,epithet of the Suddhāvāsa devas Vin.II,302; D.II,253; S.I,26.–pīti whose joy is pure Mhvs 29,49.–buddhi of pure intellect J.I,1.–vaṁsatā purity of lineage Mhvs 59,25.–vasana wearing pure clothes Th.2,338; ThA.239.–vālukā white sand Mhvs 19,37.–saṅkhārapuñja a mere heap of saṅkhāras S.I,135.

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

śudh v. [4] pr. (śudhyati) pr. md. (śudhyate) pft. (śuśodha) aor. [2] (aśudhat) pp. (śuddha) pfp. (śodhanīya) pf. (vi, pari, sam) purifier | se purifier, être purifié; s'éclaircir