Table des matières



substantif (masculin) :

  1. une occasion, une époque, un moment ; la saison
  2. une congrégation, une religion

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

samaya [cp.Sk.samaya,fr.saṃ+i.See also samiti] congregation; time,condition,etc.– At DhsA.57 sq.we find a detailed expln of the word samaya (s-sadda),with meanings given as follows:(1) samavāya (“harmony in antecedents” trsln),(2) khaṇa (opportunity),(3) kāla (season),(4) samūha (crowd,assembly),(5) hetu (condition),(6) diṭṭhi (opinion).(7) paṭilābha (acquisition),(8) pahāna (elimination),(9) paṭivedha (penetra‹-› tion).Bdhgh illustrates each one with fitting examples; cp.DhsA.61.– We may group as follows:1.coming together,gathering; a crowd,multitude D.I,178 (°pavādaka debating hall); II,254 sq.; Miln.257; J.I,373; PvA.86 (=samāgama).samayā in a crowd Pv III,34 (so read for samayyā; PvA.189 “saṅgamma”).‹-› 2.consorting with,intercourse Miln.163; DhA.I,90; sabba° consorting with everybody J.IV,317.– 3.time,point of time,season D.I,1; Sn.291,1015; Vin.I,15; VbhA.157 (maraṇa°); Vism.473 (def.); – samayā samayaṁ upādāya from time to time It.75.Cases adverbially : ekaṁ samayaṁ at one time D.I,47,87,111; tena samayena at that time D.I,179; DhA.I,90.aparena course of time,later PvA.31,68; yasmiṁ samaye at which time D.I,199; DhsA.61.ekasmiṁ samaye some time,once J.I,306.paccūsa° at daybreak PvA.38; aḍḍharatti° at midnight PvA.155; cp.ratta°.– 4.proper time,due season,opportunity,occasion Sn.388; Vin.IV,77; Bu II.181; Mhvs 22,59; VbhA.283 sq.; aññatra samayā except at due season Vin.III,212; IV,77; samaye at the right time J.I,27.– asamaya inopportune,unseasonable D.III,263,287.– 5.coincidence,circumstance M.I,438.akkhara° spelling DhA.I,181.– 6.condition,state; extent,sphere (cp.defn of Bdhgh,above 9); taken dogmatically as “diṭṭhi,” doctrine,view (equal to above defn 6) It.14 (imamhi samaye); DhA.I,90 (jānana°); Dāvs VI,4 (°antara var.views).bāhira° state of an outsider,doctrine of outsiders,i.e.brahmanic DhA.III,392,cp.brāhmaṇānaṁ samaye DA.I,291; ariyānaṁ samaye Miln.229.– 7.end,conclusion,annihilation Sn.876; °vimutta finally emancipated A.III,173; V,336 (a°); Pug.11; cp.DhsA.57.– pp.abhi°. –vasaṭha at A.II,41 is to be read as samavasaṭṭha,i.e.thoroughly given up.Thus Kern,Toev.The same passage occurs at D.III,269 as samavaya-saṭhesana (see under saṭha).

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

samaya [act. sami] m. rencontre, fréquentation; convention, accord | occasion, événement, circonstance, temps approprié | temps courant; heure | règle, pratique, doctrine; rite.