Table des matières



substantif (masculin) : ascète, religieux non brahmanique

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

samaṇa [BSk.śramaṇa,fr.śram,but mixed in meaning with śam] a wanderer,recluse,religieux A.I,67; D.III,16,95 sq.,130 sq.; S.I,45; Dh.184; of a non-Buddhist (tāpasa) J.III,390; an edifying etymology of the word DhA.III,84:“samita-pāpattā s.,” cp.Dh.265 “samitattā pāpānaṁ “samaṇo” ti pavuccati”; four grades mentioned D.II,151; M.I,63; compare Sn.84 sq.; the state of a Samaṇa is attended by eight sukhas J.I,7; the Buddha is often mentioned and addressed by non-Buddhists as Samaṇa:thus D.I,4,87; Sn.p.91,99; Vin.I,8 350; Samaṇas often opposed to Brāhmaṇas : thus,D.I,13; It.58,60; Sn,p.90; Vin.I,12; II,110; samaṇabrāhmaṇā,Samaṇas and Brāhmaṇas quite generally:“leaders in religious life” (cp.Dial.II.165) D.I,5; II,150; A.I,110,–173 sq.; It.64; Sn.189; Vin.II,295; samaṇadhammaṁ the duties of a samaṇa A.III,371; J.I,106,107,138; pure-samaṇa a junior who walks before a Bhikkhu Vin.II,32; pacchāsamaṇa one who walks behind Vin.I,186; II,32; A.III,137.– samaṇī a female recluse S.I,133; ThA.18; J.V,424,427; Vin.IV,235.– assamaṇa not a true samaṇa Vin.I,96.

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

śram v. [4] pr. (śrāmyati) pft. (śaśrāma) pp. (śrānta) pf. (pari, vi) être las, être fatigué ; se fatiguer | pratiquer l'ascétisme ; être épuisé par les austérités