Table des matières



substantif (masculin) : pourriture, pus, matière (ce qui est corruptible)

adjectif d'emploi adverbial : antérieur, ancien, précédent, initial ; (d')avant

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

pubba (1) [Vedic pūya›*pūva›*puvva›pubba (Geiger,P.Gr.§ 461); cp.pūyati to smell rotten,Lat.pūs=E.pus,Gr.pu/qw to rot,pu/on matter; Vedic pūti smelling foul; Goth.fūls=E.foul] pus,matter,corruption M.I,57; III,90; S.I,150; II,157; A.I,34; J.II,18; Miln.382; PvA.80.– In detail discussed (as one of the 32 ākāras) at Vism.261,360; KhA 62; VbhA.244.– Often in combn pubba-lohita matter & blood,e.g.Sn.p.125; Sn.671; J.V,71; DhA.I,319; as food of the Petas Pv.I,69; I,91 (lohita-pubba); I,118; II,26.pubba-vaṭṭi a lump of matter DhA.III,117.
pubba (2) (adj.) [Vedic pūrva,to Idg.*per,see pari & cp.Goth.fram=from; Gr.prόmos first,Goth.fruma=As.formo first,Av.pourvō,also Sk.pūrvya=Goth.frauja =Ohg.frō Lord,frouwa=Ger.frau.See also Lat.prandium,provincia] previous,former,before.The adj.never occurs in abs.forms by itself (for which see pubbaka),it is found either as –° or °- or in cases as adv.The phrase pubbam antam anissita Sn.849 is poetical for pubbantam.–
1.(-°) having been before J.III,200; na diṭṭha° not seen before Nd1 445; mātabhūta° formerly (been) his mother PvA.79; vuttha° (gāma) formerly inhabited DhA.I,15; as adv.bhūtapubbaṃ before any beings (existed) Vin.I,342; DhA.I,102 and passim (see bhūta).–
2.(neg.) apubba (nt.) what has not been before,something new VvA.117, phrase apubbaṁ acarimaṁ not earlier,not after,i.e.simultaneously M.III,65; Pug.13 (=apure apacchā,ekappahāren’evâti attho PugA 186).‹-›
3.(cases adverbially) Instr.pubbena in °âpara gradual M.III,79; Acc.pubbaṁ see 1,2,with prep.= before SnA 549 (=purā); Loc.pubbe in earlier times (also referring to previous births,cp.pure),in the past,before S.IV,307; Sn.831,949 (with pacchā & majjhe,i.e.future & present); Pv.I,31; II,22; SnA 290,385,453; PvA.4,10,39,40,100.With prep.= before S.II,104.In compn with °nivāsa see sep.An old Acc.f.*pūrvīṁ (cp.Prk.puvviṁ Pischel,Gr.§ 103) we find in Cpd.anupubbikathā (q.v.).The compar.pubbatara (“quite early”) occurs S.IV,117 as“ancestors” (cp.Gr.oi( prόteroi),as S.I,22.
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Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

(1) pūya [agt. pūy] m. n. pus. pūy v. [1] pr. (pūyati) pr. md. (pūyate) pp. (pūta_2) se gâter; puer || gr. πυον; lat. pūs; all. faul; ang. foul; fr. puer, pus.
(2) pūrva a. m. n. f. pūrvā en tête, en avant, premier, initial; ancien, antique, traditionnel | plus tôt que, antérieur à, aîné de <abl. iic.>; oriental — pn. l'aîné, le premier; l'ancien — acc. cf. pūrvam — i. pūrveṇa ifc. avec; pourvu de — f. pūrvā la direction [diś_2] de l'Est — loc. pūrvasyām à l'Est.