Table des matières



verbe : poser, déposer ; mettre de côté, ranger ; éliminer, se débarrasser de, abandonner ; confier, sauver

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

nikkhipati [Sk.nikṣipati,ni+khipati] lay down (carefully),to put down,to lay (an egg) Vin.II,114; It.13,14 (Pot.nikkhipeyya); Pug.34; J.I,49 (aṇḍakaṁ).– lay aside,to put away Vin.I,46 (patta-cīvaraṁ); A.I,206 (daṇḍaṁ to discard the weapon; see daṇḍa); Mhvs 14,10 (dhanu-saraṁ).– eliminate,get rid of,give up Pv.II,615 (dehaṁ to get rid of the body); DhsA.344 (vitthāra-desanaṁ).– give in charge,to deposit,entrust,save Pug.26; VvA.33 (sahassathavikaṁ).– aor.nikkhipi D.II,16Q (Bhagavato sarīraṁ) J.II,104,111,416; fut. nikkhissati D.II,157 (samussayaṁ); ger.nikkhitvā M.III,156 (cittaṁ); J.II,416; VI,366; grd.nikkhitabba Vin.I,46.– pp.nikkhitta (q.v.).– Caus.nikkhipāpeti to cause to be laid down,to order to be put down etc.PvA.215 (gosīsaṭṭhiṁ).Cp.abhi°.

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

nikṣip [ni-kṣip] v. [6] pr. (nikṣipati) pp. (nikṣipta) jeter, renverser; écarter, abandonner, répudier; jeter dans, verser dans | confier; stipuler; imputer <acc.> à <loc.>.