Table des matières



substantif (féminin) : (mantra) délibération, résolution ; hymne, texte sacré ; charme, incantation

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

manta [cp.Vedic mantra,fr.mantray] orig.a divine saying or decision,hence a secret plan [cp.def.of mant at Dhtp 578 by “gutta-bhāsane”],counsel; hence magic charm,spell.In particular a secret religious code or doctrine,esp.the Brahmanic texts or the Vedas,regarded as such ( the code of a sect) by the Buddhists.– 1.with the Vedas usually in the pl.mantā (the Scriptures,Hymns,Incantations):D.I,96; M.II,166 (brahme mante adhiyitvā; mante vāceti); Sn.249 (=devā SnA 291),302 (mante ganthetvā,criticised by Bdhgh as brahmanic (:heretic) work in contrast with the ancient Vedas as follows:“vede bhinditvā dhammayutte porāṇa-mante nāsetvā adhamma-yutte kūṭa-mante ganthetvā” SnA 320),1000 (with the 32 signs of a Mahāpurisa),1018; Dh.241 (holy studies); J.II,100; III,28 (maybe to be classed under 2),537.– Sometimes in sg.: mantaṁ parivattenti brahma-cintitaṁ Pv.II,613 (=veda PvA.97)=Vv 6316 (=veda VvA.265); – mantāni,meaning “Vedas”:Miln.10.– 2 (doubtful,perhaps as sub group to No.3) holy scriptures in general,sacred text,secret doctrine S.I,57 (mantā dhīra “firm in doctrine” K.S.thus taking mantā as Instr.; it may better be taken as mantar); Sn.1042 (where Nd2 497 expls as paññā etc.); Mhvs 5,109 (Buddha° the “mantra” of the B.),147 (id.).– 3.divine utterance,a word with supernatural power,a charm,spell,magic art,witchcraft Miln.11 (see about manta in the Jātakas:Fick,Sociale Gliederung 152,153).At PvA.117 combined with yoga and ascribed to the devas,while referred to men.– J.I,200 (+paritta); III,511 (°ṁ karoti to utter a charm,cast a spell); DhA.IV,227.There are several special charms mentioned at var.places of the Jātakas, called Vedabbha,by means of which under a certain constellation one is able to produce a shower of gems from the air J.I,253 (nakkhatta-yoge laddhe taṁ mantaṁ parivattetvā ākāse ulloki,tato ākāsato satta-ratana-vassaṁ vassati).Others are:paṭhavī-jaya m.(by means of which one conquers the earth) J.II,243; sabba-rāva-jānana° (of knowing all sounds,of animals) III,415; nidhi-uddharana° (of finding secret treasures) III,116; catukaṇṇa° (four-cornered) VI,392,etc.– 4.advice,counsel,plan,design Vin.IV,308 (°ṁ saṁharati to foil a plan); J.VI,438.– 5.(adj.) (-°) parivattana° a charm that can be said,an effective charm J.I,200; bahu° knowing many charms,very tricky DhA.II,4; bhinna° one who has neglected an advice J.VI,437,438.

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

mantra [instr. man] m. n. délibération, avis; résolution, conseil, plan; maxime | hymne sacré; formule mystique; incantation magique, charme | phil. [«instrument de pensée»] mantra ou formule sacrée ésotérique; instrument de connaissance et de pouvoir, sa récitation précise est prescrite par le maître [guru] — v. [11] pr. md. (mantrayate) pp. (mantrita) abs. (mantrayitvā) pf. (ā, ni) prendre conseil (auprès de <i.-saha_2>, au sujet de <dat.>); délibérer, discuter — v. [11] pr. (mantrayati) pf. (anu, sam) parler.