Table des matières



substantif (neutre) : impureté, tache, rouille, saleté, fumier

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

mala (nt.) [Vedic mala,see etym.under malina.The Dhtm (395) only knows of one root mal or mall in meaning “dhāraṇa” supporting,thus thinking of māḷaka] anything impure,stain (lit.& fig.),dirt.In the Canon mostly fig.of impurities.On mala in similes see J.P.T.S.,1907,122.– S.I,38 (itthi malaṁ brahmacariyassa),43 (id.); A.I,105 (issā°); Sn.378,469,962,1132 (=rāgo malaṁ etc.Nd2 500); Nd1 15,478 sq.; Dh.239 sq.; Vbh.368 (tīṇi malāni),389 (nava purisa-malāni); Pv.II,334 (macchera°); PvA.45 (id.),80 (id.),17 (citta°); Sdhp.220.– Compar.malatara a greater stain A.IV,195=Dh.243.– See also māla. –âbhibhū overcoming one’s sordidness S.I,18; J.IV,64.–majjana “dirt wiper,” a barber Vin.IV,308 (kasāvaṭa m.nihīnajacca); J.III,452; IV,365.

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

mala m. n. saleté, ordure; tache, souillure, impureté | phil. [śaiva] substance primordiale du péché; on en distingue trois [trimala]. malam ajñānam icchanti saṃsārāṅkurakāraṇam phil. L'impureté est l'ignorance, elle est la cause du germe du flux des devenirs.

māla /

substantif (masculin) : enclos circulaire, cour ronde ; surface sale, boue

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

māla (māḷa) [?] 1.mud [is it mis-spelling of mala?],in pakka-m°-kalala (boiling mud) J.VI,400.Kern,Toev.s.v.believes to see the same word in phrase mālā-kacavara at J.II,416 (but very doubtful).– 2.perhaps= froth,dirty surface,in pheṇa° Miln.117 (cp.mālin 2),where it may however be māla (“wreaths of foam”).‹-› asi° the interpretation given under asi (as “dirt” see above p.88) has been changed into “sword-garland,” thus taking it as mālā.

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

māla m. territoire — n. champ.


substantif (féminin) : guirlande, couronne (de fleurs) ; collier, chapelet

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

mālā (f.) [cp.Epic Sk.mālā] garland,wreath,chaplet; collectively=flowers; fig.row,line Sn.401; Pug.56; Vism.265 (in simile); Pv.II,316 (gandha,m.,vilepana,as a “lady’s” toilet outfit); II,49 (as one of the 8 or 10 standard gifts to a bhikkhu:see dāna,deyyadhamma & yañña); PvA.4=J.III,59 (ratta-kaṇavera° a wreath of red on his head:apparel of a criminal to be executed.Cp.ratta-māla-dhara wearing a red garland J.III,179,an ensign of the executioner); PvA.51,62.–asi °-kamma the sword-garland torture (so correct under asi!) J.III,178; Dāvs III,35; dīpa° festoons of lamps Mhvs 5,181; 34,77 (°samujjota); nakkhatta° the garland of stars VvA.167; puppha° a garland or wreath of flowers Mhvs 5,181.– On mālā in similes see J.P.T.S.1907,123.In compn māla° sometimes stands for mālā°.–kamma garland-work,garlands,festoons VvA.188.–kāra garland-maker,florist,gardener (cp.Fick,Sociale Gleiderung 38,182) J.V,292; Miln.331; DhA.I,208,334; VvA.170,253 (°vīthi).–kita adorned with garlands,wreathed Vin.I,208.–guṇa “garland-string,” garlands,a cluster of garlands Dh.53 (=mālā-nikaṭi “makeup” garlands DhA.I,419; i.e.a whole line of garlands made as “ekato-vaṇṭika-mālā” and “ubhato-v.-m.,” one & two stalked g.,cp.Vin.III,180).mālā guṇaparikkhittā one adorned with a string of gs.,i.e.a marriageable woman or a courtesan M.I,286=A.V,264.–guḷa a cluster of gs.,a bouquet Vin.III,139; SnA 224; VvA.32,111 (v.l.guṇa).–cumbaṭaka a cushion of garlands,a chaplet of flowers DhA.I,72.–dāma a wreath of flowers J.II,104.–dhara wearing a wreath J.III,179 (ratta°,see also above).–dhārin wearing a garland or wreath (on the head) Pv III,11 (kusuma°; v.l.BB °bhārin); PvA.169 (v.l.°bhārin); f.dhārinī Vv 323 (uppala°,of a Petī.See also bhārin).–puṭa a basket for flowers DhA.III,212.–bhārin wearing a wreath (chaplet) [the reading changes between °bhārin & °dhārin; the BSk.prefers °dhārin,e.g.MVastu I.124 & °dhāra at Divy 218] J.IV,60,82; V,45; PvA.211 (v.l.°dhārin); f.°bhārinī J.III,530; VvA.12; & bhārī Th.1,459 (as v.l.; T.reads °dhārī).Cp.°dhārin.–vaccha [vaccha here= vṛkṣa] a small flowering tree or plant,an ornamental plant Vin.II,12; III,179; Vism.172 (v.l.°gaccha); DhA.II,109 (q.v.for expln:taruṇarukkha-puppha).

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

mālā f. guirlande, couronne | collier, chapelet — v. [11] pr. (mālayati) couronner; orner d'une guirlande.