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substantif (masculin) : masse, tronc (d'un arbre ou d'un homme) ; collection, ensemble, “agrégat” ; le corps (en tant que masse et collection) ; au pluriel : khandhā : éléments, constituants, facteurs d'existence

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

(extrait ; lire la totalité à la page :

khandha [Sk.skandha] – I.Crude meaning:bulk,massiveness (gross) substance.A.esp.used (a) of an elephant:the bulk of the body,i.e.its back S.I,95; vāraṇassa J.III,392; hatthi-khandha-vara-gata on the back of the state elephant J.I,325; PvA.75.Also with an elephant (hatthināga) sañjāta° “to whom has grown bulk=a large back” Sn.53,expl.SnA 103 by susaṇṭhitakkhandho “well endowed with bulk.” ‹-› (b) of a person:the shoulder or back:naṅgalaṁ khan‹-› dhe karitvā S.I,115 Māra; Vism.100; DhA.IV,168 (ohita°-bhāra the load lifted off his shoulder).‹-› – (c) of a tree:the trunk.rukkhassa PvA.114,also as rukkha° J.I,324; tāla° the stem of a palm PvA.56; nigrodhassa khandhaja (see cpds.) S.I,207=Sn.272; mūlaṁ atikkamma kh° ṁ sāraṁ pariyesitabbaṁ “one must go beyond the root and search the trunk for sweetness” S.IV,94.– (d) as exegetical literature:section,chapter,lit.material as collected into uniform bulk; postscripts to Texts and Commentaries.See also khandhaka.– B.More general as denoting bulk (-°); e.g.aggi° a great mass of fire M.II,34,41; J.IV,139; udaka° a mass of water (i.e.ocean) A.III,336; S.IV,179; J.I,324; PvA.62; puñña° a great accumulation of merit A.III,336=S.V,400; bhoga° a store of wealth A.V,84; J.I,6; maṇi° an extraordinarily large jewel (possessing magic power) J.II,102 sq.-
II.Applied meaning.–A.(-°) the body of,a collection of,mass,or parts of; in collective sense “all that is comprised under”; forming the substance of. […] B.(absolute) in individual sense:constituent element,factor,substantiality.More especially as khandhā (pl.) the elements or substrata of sensory existence,sensorial aggregates which condition the appearance of life in any form.Their character according to quality and value of life and body is evanescent,fraught with ills & leading to rebirth.

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

skandha m. épaule, tronc, corps; tronc d'arbre | poteau sacrificiel; syn. stambha | troupe, division d'une armée; multitude | lit. section, division (d'un ouvrage) | bd. agrégat ou facteur constitutif de l'ego; on en compte 5 [pañcaskandhī]: la forme matérielle [rūpa], la sensation [vedanā], la perception cognitive [saṃjñā_2], la formation mentale (émotion, pensée, opinion, compulsion) [saṃskāra] et la prise de conscience active [vijñāna]; Buddha enseigna qu'il faut s'en libérer, en réalisant leur vacuité || pali khandha.