Table des matières


kalla / kalya

adjectif : bien-portant, sain, vigoureux ; de bon augure ; prêt, préparé à, capable, adroit, intelligent

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

kalla & kalya (adj.) [cp.Sk.kalya] 1.well,healthy,sound Vin.I,291.– 2.clever,able,dexterous Miln.48,87.– 3.ready,prepared J.II,12,cp.–citta.–,proper,right S.II,13 (pañha).– nt.kallaṁ it is proper,befitting (with inf.or inf.-substitute):vacanāya proper to say D.I,168,169; A.I,144; abhinandituṁ D.II,69; –kallaṁ nu [kho] is it proper? M.III,19; S.IV,346; Miln.25.– a° 1.not well,unfit Th.2,439,cp.ThA.270.‹-› 2.unbecoming,unbefitting D.II,68; J.V,394.–kāya sound (in body),refreshed Vin.I,291; –kusala of sound skill (cp.kallita) S.III,265; –citta of ready,amenable mind,in form.k°,mudu-citta, vinīvaraṇa°, udagga°, etc.D.I, 110=148=II.41=A.IV, 209=Vin.I, 16=II.156; VvA.53,286; Vv 5019 (=kammaniya-citta “her mind was prepared for,responsive to the teaching of the dhamma”); PvA.38.–cittatā the preparedness of the mind (to receive the truth) J.II,12 (cp citta-kalyatā); –rūpa 1.of beautiful appearance Th.1,212,– 2.pleased,joyful (kalya°) Sn.680,683,691; –sarīra having a sound body,healthy J.II,51; a°-tā not being sound in body,ill-health VvA.243.

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

kalya [kal] a. m. n. f. kalyā bien-portant, sain; vigoureux; fort | agréable, de bon augure; instructif | prêt; préparé à <loc. inf.> — n. santé | aube, matin; hier
kal v. [10] pr. (kalayati) pr. md. (kalayate) pp. (kalita) pf. (sam) inciter; exciter; porter | faire, accomplir, produire; émettre (un son), murmurer | considérer, observer, remarquer; compter, mesurer; connaître; croire