Table des matières



participe passé : chanté, récité, proclamé, énoncé
substantif (neutre) : chant, chanson

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

gīta [pp.of gāyati] 1.(pp.) sung, recited, solemnly proclaimed, enunciated : mantapadaṁ gītaṁ pavuttaṁ D.I,104 (cp.gira).– 2.(nt.) singing, a song ; grouped under vācasikā khiḍḍā, musical pastimes at Nd2 219; SnA 86.Usually combd with nacca,dancing : A.I,261; Vv8110 as naca gītādi J.I,61; VvA.131; referring to nacca-gīta-vādita, dancing with singing & instrumental accompaniment D.III,183 (under samajja,kinds of festivities); Vv 324.Same with visūkadassana,pantomimic show at D.I,5≈(cp.DA.I,77; KhA 36). –rava sound of song Mhvs VII.30; –sadda id.J.IV,3; Dhs.621; DhA.I,15; –ssara id.Vin.II,108; A.III,251; J.III,188

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

gīta [pp. gā_2] a. m. n. f. gītā chanté — n. chant — f. gītā chant, chanson, hymne, stance, poème | lit. la Gītā ; cf. Bhagavadgītā.