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adjectif : vu(e) [adiṭṭha : non vu(e)] ; connu, compris ; visible, appréhendé par la vue

substantif (neutre) [diṭṭhaṃ] : vision

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

diṭṭha [Sk.dṛṣṭa,pp.of *dassati] 1.seen; a° not seen D.I,222 (a°+avedita asacchikata); M.I,3 sq.(diṭṭhaṃ diṭṭhato sañjānāti); Sn.147 (diṭṭhā vā ye vā addiṭṭhā),995 (na me diṭṭho ito pubbe na ssuto ...Satthā); J.II,154; III,278; Pv.I,23 (sāmaṃ d.=seen by yourself); 33 (id.).– nt.diṭṭhaṃ a vision J.III,416.– Since sight is the principal sense of perception as well as of apperception (cp.cakkhu),that which is seen is the chief representation of any sense-impression,& diṭṭha combd with suta (heard) and muta (sensed by means of smell,taste & touch),to which viññāta (apperceived by the mind) is often joined,gives a complete analysis of that which comprises all means of cognition & recognition.Thus diṭṭha+suta stands collectively for the whole series Sn.778,812,897,1079; Pv IV.13; diṭṭha suta muta (see Nd2 298 for detail & cp.diṭṭhiyā sutiyā ñāṇena) Sn.790,901,914,1082,1086,1122 (na tuyhaṃ adiṭṭhaṃ asutaṃ amutaṃ kiñcanaṃ atthi=you are omniscient); d.suta muta viññāta in the same sense as Sn.1122 in “yaṃ sadevakassa lokassa d.s.m.v.sabbaṃ taṃ Tathāgatena abhisambuddhaṃ” of the cognitive powers of the Tathāgata D.III,134=Nd2 276= It.121; D.III,232; Sn.1086,1122.– 2.known,understood M.I,486; Sn.761; diṭṭha pañha a problem or question solved J.VI,532.See also conclusion of No.1.– 3.(adj.) visible,determined by sight,in conn.with dhamma meaning the visible order of things,the world of sensation,this world (opp.samparāyika dhamma the state after death,the beyond).Usually in cpds.(-°):of this world,in this world.– diṭṭhadhamma Vin.II,188; D.III,222 sq.; A.I,249; II,61; Nd2 297 (=ñātadhamma); DA.I,278; Sdhp.470.– °abhinibbuta attained to Nibbāna in this birth A.I,142; Sn.1087 (see Nibbāna); °nibbāna earthly N.D.I,36; DA.I,121; °sukhavihāra (& °in) happy condition (or faring well) in this world Vin.II,188; M.I,40,331,459; S.II,239; Dhs.577,1283; DhsA.296; °vedanīya to be perceived in this condition A.I,249,251; PvA.145.– Loc.diṭṭhe dhamme (in this world) It.17 (attha,opp.samparāyika attha),or diṭṭhe va dhamme (already or even in the present existence) D.I,156,167,177,196; III,108; M.I,341 sq.,485; II,94,103; A.II,155,167; III,429; Sn.141,343,1053; It.22,23,etc.– In the same sense diṭṭhadhammika (adj.) belonging or referring to this world or the present existence,always contrasted with samparāyika belonging to a future state:Vin.I,179; III,21; D.III,130; A.I,47,98; Nd2 26; It.16; VvA.149; PvA.131,etc. –ânugati imitation of what one sees,emulation,competition S.II,203; M.I,16; A.I,126; III,108,251,422; Pug.33; DhA.IV,39; –āvikamma making visible or clear,open statement,confession Vin.V,183,187 sq.; –kāla the time of seeing (anybody),opportunity VvA.120; –ppatta one who has obtained (Nibbāna) in this world Nett 190; –padā (pl.) visible signs or characteristics A.IV,103; –maṅgalika (adj.) of puccha,a question concerning visible omina.J.IV,390; as °ikā (f.) Np at J.IV,376 sq.= SnA 185 sq.–saṃsandana Nd2 447=DhsA.55.