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adjectif : droit (opp. à gauche) ; auspicieux ; qualifié, bien entraîné ; en rapport avec le sud

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

dakkhiṇa(adj.) [Vedic dakṣiṇa,Av.dašinō; adj.formation fr.adv.*deksi=*deksinos,cp.purāṇa fr.purā,viṣuṇa fr.viṣu,Lat.bīni (=bisni) fr.bis.From same root *deks are Lat.dexter (with compar.-antithetic suffix ter=Sk.tara,as in uttara) & Gr.deciterόs; cp.also Goth.taihswa (right hand),Ohg.zeso & zesawa.See dakkha for further connections] 1.right (opp.vāma left),with a tinge of the auspicious,lucky & prominent:Vin.II,195 (hattha); PvA.112,132 (id.); Ps.I,125.hattha,pāda,etc.with a Tathāgata’s body); J.I,50 (°passa the right side); PvA.178 (id.),112 (°bāhu); Sn.p.106 (bāha); PvA.179 (°jānumaṇḍalena with the right knee:in veneration).– 2.skilled,welltrained (=dakkha) J.VI,512 (Com.susikkhita).– 3.(of that point of the compass which is characterized through “orientation” by facing the rising sun,& then lies on one’s right:) southern,usually in combn with disā (direction):D.III,180 (one of the 6 points,see disā),188 sq.(id.); M.I,487; II,72; S.I,145,etc. –āvattaka (adj.) winding to the right D.II,18 (of the hairs of a Mahāpurisa,the 14th of his characteristics or auspicious signs; cp.BSk.dakṣiṇāvarta a precious shell,i.e.a shell the spiral of which turns to the right AvŚ I.205; Divy 51,67,116); J.V,380; –janapada the southern country the “Dekkan” (=dakkhiṇaṁ) D.I,96,153 (expld by Bdhgh as “Gaṅgāya dakkhiṇato pākaṭa-janapado” DA.I,265); –samudda the southern sea J.I,202.

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

dakṣiṇa [dakṣa] a. m. n. f. dakṣiṇā à droite; opp. savya | méridional, vers le Sud [«à main droite (en faisant face à l'Est)»] | venant du Sud (vent) | droit, franc, sincère; obéissant — m. n. le Sud — f. cf. dakṣiṇā || lat. dexter; pkt. Dekkan.


substantif (féminin) : offrande, don (à une personne “sainte”)

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

dakkhiṇā(f.) [Vedic dakṣiṇā to dakṣ as in daśasyati to honour,to consecrate,but taken as f.of dakkhiṇa & by grammarians gift by the “giving” (i.e.the right) hand with popular analogy to dā to give (dadāti)] a gift,a fee,a donation; a donation given to a “holy” person with unhappy beings in the Peta existence (“Manes”),intended to induce the alleviation of their sufferings; an intercessional,expiatory offering,“don attributif” (Feer) (see Stede,Peta Vatthu,etc.p.51 sq.; Feer Index to AvŚ p.480) D.I,51=III,66 (d.-uddhaggikā),cp.A.II,68 (uddhaggā d.); A.III,43,46,178,259; IV,64 sq.,394; M.III,254 sq.(cuddasa pāṭipuggalikā d.given to 14 kinds of worthy recipients) Sn.482,485; It.19; J.I,228; Pv.I,44 (=dāna PvA.18),I.59 (petānaṁ d °ṁ dajjā),IV.151; Miln.257; Vism.220; PvA.29,50,70,110 (pūjito dakkhiṇāya).guru-d.teacher’s fee VvA.229,230; dakkhiṇaṁ ādisati (otherwise uddisati) to designate a gift to a particular person (with Dat.) Vin.I,229=D.II,88. –âraha a worthy recipient of a dedicatory gift Pv.II,86; –odaka water to wash in (orig.water of dedication,consecrated water) J.I,118; IV,370; DhA.I,112; PvA.23; –visuddhi.purity of a gift M.III,256 sq.=A.II,80 sq.=D.III,231,cp.Kvu 556 sq.

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

dakṣiṇā [f. dakṣiṇa] f. la direction [dik] du Sud | soc. [«prix du service»] honoraire payé au prêtre par le sacrifiant ; don, donation, aumône | not. don d'une bonne vache laitière — adv. à droite, au Sud. dakṣiṇā diś la direction du Sud.