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adjectif : long (temps), de longue durée

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

cira (adj.) [Vedic.cira,perhaps to *queịe to rest,cp.Lat.quiēs,civis; Goth.hveila; Ohg.wīlōn; E.while] long (of time),usually in cpds.& as adv.Either ciraṃ (Acc.) for a long time Sn.678,730,1029; Dh.248; Kh VII.5; J.II,110; IV,3; Pv.II,333 or cirena (Instr.) after a long time Vin.IV,86; DhsA.239; or cirāya (Dat.) for long Dh.342.cirassa (Gen.) see cirassaṃ.– cirataraṃ (compar.) for a (comparatively) long time,rather long A.III,58; Pv.II,87.cir-ā-ciraṃ continually Vin.IV,261; J.V,233.– acira not long (ago) lately,newly:°arahattappatta S.I,196; °pabbajita S.I,185; °parinibbute Bhagavati shortly after the death of the Bhagavant D.I,204,etc.; Sn.p.59. –kālaṁ (adv.) a long time freq.e.g.PvA.19,45,60,109; –ṭṭhitika perpetual,lasting long A.IV,339 (opp.pariyāpajjati); Vv 801; Pug.32,33; Vism.37,175; DA.I,3.–dikkhita (not °dakkhita) having long since been initiated S.I,226=J.V,138 (=cirapabbajita); –nivāsin dwelling (there) for a long time S.II,227; –paṭika [cp.Sk.ciraṁ prati] long since, conformity w.the subject Vin.I,33; D.II,270= S.III,120; –pabbajita having long since become a wanderer A.III,114; Sn.p.92; DA.I,143; –ppavāsin (adj.) long absent Dh.219 (=cirappavuttha DhA.III,293).–rattaṁ (adv.) for a long time Sn.665,670; J.IV,371; and –rattāya id.J.II,340; Pv.I,94.

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

cira a. m. n. f. cirā long (temps), qui dure depuis longtemps.