Table des matières



adjectif : qui va, qui marche, qui fréquente, qui vit (d'une certaine manière)
substantif (masculin) : messager, émissaire,


adjectif & substantif (masculin) : mouvement, marche, comportement, action, processus

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

cara (n-adj.) [from car,carati] 1.the act of going about,walking; one who walks or lives (usually –°):oka° living in water M.I,117; J.VI,416; antara° S.IV,173; eka° solitary Sn.166; saddhiṁ° a companion Sn.45; anattha° J.V,433; jala° Dāvs.IV,38.See also cāreti & gocara.– Instr. carasā (adv.) walking M.I,449.– cara-vāda “going about talk," gossip,idle talk S.III,12; V,419.– sucara easy,duccara difficult Vin.III,26.– who is sent on a message,a secret emissary,a spy S.I,79.Also as carapurisa J.II,404; IV,343; VI,469; DhA.I,193.‹-› Note.–cara-purāya at A.V,133 should be changed into v.l.SS paramparāya

cāra[ carati to move about] motion,walking,going; doing,behaviour,action,process Miln.162 (+vihāra); Dhs.8=85 (=vicāra); DhsA.167.Usually –° (n.& adj.):kāma° going at will J.IV,261; pamāda° a slothful life J.I,9; piṇḍa° alms-begging Sn.414,708; sabbaratti° wandering all night S.I,201; samavattha° A.III,257.See also carati Ib.–vihāra doing & behaving,i.e.good conduct J.II,232; Dpvs.VI,38; cp.Miln.162 (above).

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

cara [agt. car] a. m. n. f. carī mobile; qui bouge — ifc. qui va dans, qui habite; qu'on envoie — m. émissaire, espion; vent, souffle.

cāra [agt. car] m. espion — act. m. mouvement, course; voyage | pratique, exercice.