Table des matières


brahma / brahmā / brahman

substantif (neutre) : brahman (en composition : brahma-), état équivalent à celui du dieu Brahmā
substantif (masculin) : brahma/brahmā : le dieu Brahmā ou les divinités habitant les cieux de Brahmā
adjectif : brahmanique, saint, pieux, continent (brahmacariya : “vie sainte”, “abstinence sexuelle”)


Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

Brahma,& Brahmā [fr.bṛh,see brahant.Perhaps less with regard to the greatness of the divine principle,than with the greatness or power of prayer or the ecstatic mind (i.e.holy enthusiasm).On etym.see Osthoff,“Bezzenberger’s Beiträge" XXIV.142 sq.(=Mir.bricht charm,spell:Oicel.bragr poetry)]
I.Brahman (nt.) [cp.Vedic bráhman nt.prayer;áhma] 1.the supreme good; as a buddhistic term used in a sense different from the brahmanic (save in controversy with Brahmans); a state like that of Brahmā (or Brahman) A.II,184 (brahmappatta).In cpds.brahma°.– 2.Vedic text,mystic formula,prayer DA.I,244 (brahmaṁ aṇatī ti brāhmaṇo).
II.Brahmā [cp.Vedic brahmán,m.,one who prays or chants hymns,ā] 1.the god Brahmā chief of the gods,often represented as the creator of the Universe (vasavattī issaro kattā nimmātā) D.I,18; III,30,also called Mahābrahmā (D.I,235 sq.,244 sq.; III,30; It.15; Vism.578; DhA.II,60); and Sahampati (Vin.I,5; D.II,157; S.I,136 sq.; Vism.201; KhA 171; SnA 56) and Sanaṁkumāra (D.II,226; III,97).The duration of his life is given as being 1 kalpa (see Kvu 207,208).– Nom.Brahmā Vin.I,5; D.II,46; J.VI,486; Miln.224; Vism.2 (brahmānaṁ atibrahmā,Ep.of Buddha Bhagavā); SnA 229 (B.mahānubhāvo); Gen.Abl.Brahmano D.II,209; Vism.205; SnA 177; Instr.Brahmanā D.I,252; II,239; Dh.105,230; Vism.48,405; DhA.II,60; Acc.Brahmānaṁ D.II,37; Voc.Brahme S.I,138.– 2.a brahma god,a happy & blameless celestial being,an inhabitant of the higher heavens (brahma-loka; in which to be reborn is a reward of great merit);ā S.I,142 (Baka br.); M.I,327 (id.); A.IV,83; PvA.138 (°devatā for brahma°?); Gen.Abl.brahmuno S.I,142,155; Instr.brahmunā D.III,147,150 & brahmanā PvA.98; M.I,āno Miln.13,18 (where J.VI,486 has Mahā-brahmā in id.p.); DhsA.195; Gen.brahmānaṁ Vism.2; Mhbv 151.–paccekabrahmā a himself S.I,149 (of the name of Tudu; cp.paccekabuddha).–sabrahmaka (adj.) including the brahma gods D.I,62; A.II,70; Vin.I,11; DA.I,174.
III,brahma (adj.-n.) [cp.brahmā II.2; Vedic brahma° & Sk.brāhma] 1.holy,pious,brahmanic; (m.) a holy person,a brahmin (adj.) J.II,14 (br.vaṇṇa=seṭṭha vaṇṇa C.); KhA 151 (brahma-cariyaṁ= brahmaṁ cariyaṁ).– (m.) Acc.brahmaṁ Sn.285; Voc.brahme (frequent) Sn.1065 (=brahmā ti seṭṭhavacanaṁ SnA 592); J.II,346; IV,288; VI,524,532; Pv.I,129 (=brāhmaṇa PvA.66).– 2.divine,as incorporating the highest & best qualities,sublime,ideal,best,very great (see cpds.),A.I,132 (brahmā ti mātāpitaro etc.),182; IV,76.– 3.holy,sacred,divinely inspired (of the rites,charms,hymns etc.) D.I,96 (brahme mante adhiyitvā); Pv.II,613 (mantaṁ brahmacintitaṁ) =brāhmaṇānaṁ atthāya brahmaṇā cintitaṁ) PvA.97,98).– Note.The compn form of all specified bases (I.II.III,) is brahma°,and with regard to meaning it is often not to be decided to which of the 3 categories the question belongs.

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

bṛh [relié à vṛdh_1] v. [1] pr. (bṛṃhati) pr. md. (bṛṃhate) pp. (bṛṃhita, bṛḍha) v. [6] pr. (bṛhati) ppr. (bṛhat) pf. (upa, pari) augmenter, grossir; croître, grandir; devenir fort; s'étendre — ca. (bṛṃhayati) var. vṛṃhayati augmenter, faire grossir; faire croître, agrandir; fortifier.