Table des matières



adjectif, substantif (masculin) : sage ; “Seigneur”

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

bhadanta (Bhaddanta) [a secondary adj.formation from address bhaddaṁ (=bhadraṁ) te “hail to thee," cp.“bhaddaṁ vo" under bhadda 1] venerable,reverend.mostly in address “Sir,holy father" etc.,to men of the S.I,216 (v.l.bhaddante);ā DhA.III,414.– A contracted form of bhadante is bhante (q.v.).Note.In case of bhadanta being the corresp.of Sk.*bhavanta (for bhavān) we would suppose the change v›d and account for dd on grounds of pop.analogy after bhadda.See bhante.The pl.Nom.from bhadantā is formed after bhadante,which was felt as a Voc.of an a –stem with –e for –a as in Prk.Māgadhī.

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

bhavat (2) var. bhavad [bhagavat] m. adr. Monsieur (présent, forme polie de tu/vous à la 3e pers.) | pl. bhavantas Messieurs — f. bhavatī Madame (voc. bhavati).