Table des matières


araha (arahat) / arahant

adjectif, substantif (masculin / féminin ?) : méritant

nominatifarahaṃ / arahāarahanto / arahantā (fém. arahantiyo)
instrumentalarahatā / arahantenaarahantehi
datifarahato / arahantassaarahataṃ / arahantānaṃ
locatifarahante / arahantamhi / arahatiarahantesu

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

arahant (adj. – n.) [Vedic arhant, ppr. of arhati (see arahati), meaning deserving, worthy]. Before Buddhism used as honorific title of high officials like the English ʻ His Worship ʼ; at the rise of Buddhism applied popularly to all ascetics (Dial. iii.3 – 6). Adopted by the Buddhisṭs as t. t. for one who has attained the Summum Bonum of religious aspiration (Nibbāna).

I. Cases nom. sg. arahaṃ Vin i.9; D i.49; M i.245, 280; S i.169; see also formula C. under ii., & arahā Vin i.8, 25, 26; ii.110, 161; D iii.255; It 95; Kh iv.; gen. arahato S iv.175; Sn 590; instr. arahatā S iii.168; DA i.43; acc. arahantaṃ D iii.10; Dh 420; Sn 644; Loc. arahantamhi Vv 212. – nom. pl. arahanto Vin i.19; iv.112; S i.78, 235; ii.220; iv.123; gen. arahataṃ Vin iii.1; S i.214; Sn 186; It 112; Pv i.1112. Other cases are of rare occurrence.

II. Formulae. Arahantship finds its expression in freq. occurring formulae, of which the standard ones are the foll.: A. khīṇā jāti vusitaṃ brahmacariyaṃ kataṃ karaṇīyaṃ nâparaṃ itthattāya “destroyed is (re – ) birth, lived is a chaste life, (of a student) done is what had to be done, after this present life there is no beyond”. Vin i.14, 35, 183; D i.84, 177, 203; M i.139; ii.39; S i. 140; ii.51, 82, 95, 120, 245; iii.21, 45, 55, 68, 71, 90, 94, 195, 223; iv.2, 20, 35, 45, 86, 107, 151, 383; v.72, 90, 144, 222; A i.165; ii.211; iii.93; iv.88, 179, 302; v.155, 162; Sn p. 16; Pug 61, etc. – B. eko vūpakaṭṭho appamatto ātāpī pahitatto ʻ alone, secluded, earnest, zealous, master of himself ʼ D i.177; ii.153 & continued with A: S i.140, 161; ii.21; iii.36, 74; iv.64; v.144, 166; A i.282; ii.249; iii.70, 217, 301, 376; iv. 235. – C. arahaṃ khīṇāsavo vusitavā katakaraṇīyo ohitabhāro anupattasadattho parikkhīṇa – bhava – saññojano sammad – aññā vimutto: D iii.83, 97; M i.4, 235; S i.71; iii.161, 193; iv.125; v.145, 205, 273, 302; A i.144; iii.359, 376; iv.362, 369, 371 sq., It 38. ↔ D. ñāṇañ ca pana me dassanaṃ udapādi akuppā me cetovimutti ayaṃ antimā jāti natthi dāni punabbhavo “there arose in me insight, the emancipation of my heart became unshake able, this is my last birth, there is now no rebirth for me: S ii.171; iii.28; iv.8; v.204; A i.259; iv.56, 305, 448.

III. Other passages (selected) Vin i.8 (arahā sītibhūto nibbuto), 9 (arahaṃ Tathāgato Sammāsambuddho), 19 (ekādasa loke arahanto), 20 (ekasaṭṭhi id.). 25 sq.; ii. 110, 161; iii.1; iv.112 (te arahanto udake kīḷanti); D i.49 (Bhagavā arahaṃ), 144; iii.10, 255: M i.245 (Gotamo na pi kālaṃ karoti: arahaṃ samaṇo Gotamo), 280; S i.9, 26, 50 (Tathāgato), 78, 140, 161, 169, 175, 178 (+ sītibhūta), 208, 214, 235 (khīnāsavā arahanto); iii. 160 (arahā tissa?), 168; iv.123, 175, 260, 393; v.159 sq., 164, 200 sq.; A i.22 (Sammāsambuddho), 27, 109, 266; iī.134; iii.376, 391, 439; iv.364, 394; v.120; Sn 186, 590, 644, 1003; It 95 (+ khīṇāsava), 112; Kh iv. (dasahi angehi samannāgato arahā ti vuccati: see KhA 88); Vv 212; i.217; Dh 164, 420 (khīṇāsava +); Ps ii.3, 19, 194, 203 sq.; Pug 37, 73; Vbh 324, 336, 422; Pv i.11 (khettûpamā arahanto), 1112; iv.132.

IV. In compn. & der. we find two bases, viz. (1) arahanta˚ in ˚ghāta the killing or murder of an Arahant (considered as one of the six deadly crimes): see abhiṭhāna; ˚ghātaka the murderer of the A.: Vin i.89, 136, 168, 320; ˚magga (arahatta˚?) the path of an A.: D ii 144. – (2) arahat˚ in (arahad – )dhaja the flag or banner of an A.: J i.65.

V. See further details & passages under anāgāmin, khīṇa, buddha. On the relationship of Buddha and Arahant see Dial. ii.1 – 3; iii.6. For riddles or word – play on the form arahant see M i.280; A iv.145; DA i.146 = VvA 105, 6 = PvA 7; DhA iv.228; DhsA 349.

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

arhat [ppr. arh] a. m. n. f. arhantī méritant, bon ; digne, honorable, respectable — m. bd. vénérable, saint