

substantif (masculin & neutre) : demeure, maison, asile (litt. “lieu de repos, perchoir”) ; attachement, désir, luxure ; feinte, simulacre, simulation

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids & William Stede

ālaya (m. & nt.) [cp. Sk. ālaya, ā + lī, līyate, cp. allīna & allīyati, also nirālaya] — 1. orig. roosting place, perch, i. e. abode settling place, house J i.10 (geh˚); Miln 213; DhA ii.162 (an˚ = anoka), 170 (= oka). — 2. “hanging on”, attachment, desire, clinging, lust S i.136 = Vin i.4 (˚rāma “devoted to the things to which it clings” K. S.); Vin iii.20, 111; S iv.372 (an˚); v.421 sq. (id.); A ii. 34, 131 (˚rāma); iii.35; It 88; Sn 177 (kām˚ = kāmesu taṇhā – diṭṭhi – vasena duvidho ālayo SnA 216), 535 (+ āsavāni), 635; Nett 121, 123 (˚samugghāta); Vism 293 (id.), 497; Miln 203 (Buddh ˚ŋ akāsi?); DhA i.121; iv.186 (= taṇhā); SnA 468 (= anoka of Sn 366). — 3. pretence, pretext, feint [cp. BSk. ālaya M Vastu iii.314] J i.157 (gilān˚), 438; iii.533 (mat˚); iv.37 (gabbhinī); vi 20, 262 (gilān˚).

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

ālaya [act. ālī] m. n. maison, demeure ; asile, temple ; réceptacle.