

substantif (masculin) : aliment, nourriture, support, combustible (ce qui procure énergie et soutien)

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

āhāra [fr. ā + hṛ,lit. taking up or on to oneself] feeding,support,food,nutriment (lit & fig.). The term is used comprehensively and the usual enumn. comprises four kinds of nutriment,viz. (1) kabaḷiṅkāra āhāro (bodily nutriment,either oḷāriko gross,solid,or sukhumo fine),(2) phassāhāro n. of contact,(3) manosañcetanā° n. of volition (= cetanā S. A. on II.11 f.),(4) viññāṇ° of consciousness. Thus at M.I,261; D.III,228,276; Dhs.71–73; Vism.341. Another definition of Dhammapāla’s refers it to the fourfold tasting as asita (eaten),pīta (drunk),khāyita (chewed),sāyita (tasted) food PvA.25. A synonym with mūla,hetu,etc. for cause,Yamaka,I.3; Yam. A (J.P.T.S.,1910–12) 54. See on term also Dhs.trsl. 30. – Vin.I,84; D.I,166; S.I,172; II,11,13,98 sq. (the 4 kinds,in detail); III,54 (sa°); V,64,391; A.III,51 (sukhass°),79,142 sq.,192 sq.; IV,49,108; V,52 (the four),108,113 (avijjāya etc.),116 (bhavataṇhāya),269 sq. (nerayikānaṃ etc.); Sn.78,165,707,747; Nd1 25; Ps.I,22 (the four) 122 (id.),55,76 sq; Kvu 508; Pug.21,55; Vbh.2,13,72,89,320,383,401 sq. (the four); Dhs.58,121,358,646; Nett 31,114,124; DhsA.153,401; DhA.I,183 (°ṃ pacchindati to bring up food,to vomit); II,87; VvA.118; PvA.14,35,112,148 (utu° physical nutriment); Sdhp.100,395,406; A.V,136 gives ten āhāra opposed to ten paripanthā. –an° without food,unfed M.I,487 (aggi); S.III,126; V,105; Sn.985. –ûpahāra consumption of food,feeding,eating Vin.III,136. –ṭhitika subsisting or living on food D.III,211,273; A.V,50,55; Ps.I,5,122. –pariggaha taking up or acquirement of food Miln.244 or is it “restraint or abstinence in food”? Same combn. at Miln.313. –maya “food-like”,feeding stuff,food J.III,523. –lolatā greed after food SnA 35. –samudaya origin of nutriment S.III,59.

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

āhāra [agt. āhṛ] a. m. n. f. āhārā ifc. qui procure, qui amène; qui va amener | qui utilise; qui mange — act. m. prise; emploi; prise de nourriture, repas | [«ce qu'on prend»] nourriture, aliment.