

verbe : atteindre, prendre possession de… ; comprendre

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

adhigacchati [adhi + gacchati] to get to,to come into possession of,to acquire,attain,find ; fig. to understand D.I,229 (vivesaṃ) M.I,140 (anvesaṃ n’âdhigacchanti do not find); S.I,22 (Nibbānaṃ); II,278 (id.); A.I,162 (id.); Dh.187,365; It.82 (santiṃ); Th.2,51; Pug.30,31; Pv.I,74 (nibbutiṃ = labhati PvA.37); III,710 (amataṃ padaṃ). opt. adhigaccheyya D.I,224 (kusalaṃ dhammaṃ); M.I,114 (madhu-piṇḍikaṃ); Dh.61 and adhigacche Dh.368. ger. adhigantvā D.I,224; J.I,45 (ānisaṃse); and adhigamma Pv.I,119 (= vinditvā paṭilabhitvā PvA.60). grd. adhigantabba It.104 (nibbāna). cond. adhigacchissaṃ Sn.446. 1st aor. 3 sg. ajjhagā Sn.225 (= vindi paṭilabhi KhA 180); Dh.154; Vv 327; 3 pl. ajjhagū J.I,256 (vyasanaṃ) & ajjhāgamuṃ S.I,12. 2nd aor. 3 sg. adhigacchi Nd1 457. ‹-› pp. adhigata (q. v.).

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

adhigam [adhi-gam] v. [1] pr. (adhigacchati) pp. (adhigata) pfp. (adhigatya, adhigamya) approcher; trouver, obtenir, atteindre, parvenir à; recevoir | réaliser, percevoir, comprendre.