Table des matières



verbe : joindre, unir, lier ensemble (+ loc ou instr.), s'engager dans (+ loc.), s'exercer à

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

yuñjati [Vedic yunakti,yuñjati & yuñkte,yuj; cp.Gr.zeu/gnumi,Lat,jungo to unite,put together (pp.junctus=Sk.yukta,cp.E.junct-ion); Lith.jùngin.The Idg.root *ịeug is an enlarged form of *ịeǔe “to unite,” as in Sk.yanti,yuvati,pp.yuta; f.yuti,to which also Lat.jūs=P.yūsa.The Dhtp gives several (lit.& fig.) meanings of yuj,viz.“yoge” (No.378),“samādhimhi” (399),“saṁgamane” (550)] (lit.) to yoke; (fig.) to join with (Instr.or Loc.),to engage in (Loc.),to exert oneself,to endeavour.All our passages show the applied meaning,while the lit.meaning is only found in the Caus.yojeti.– Often expld by and coupled with the syn.ghaṭati & vāyamati, J.IV,131; V,369; DhA.IV,137.– Forms:pres.yuñjati Dh.382; J.V,369; 2nd pl.yuñjatha Th.2,346 (kāmesu;=niyojetha ThA.241); ppr.yuñjanto J.IV,131 (kammaṭṭhāne); imper.yuñja S.I,52 (sāsane); ThA.12; med.imper.yuñjassu Th.2,5.– Pass.yujjati (in grammar or logic) is constructed or applied,fits (in),is meant KhA 168; SnA 148,403,456.– Caus.I.yojeti & II.yojāpeti (q.v.).– pp.yutta

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

yuj v. [7] pr. (yunakti) pr. md. (yuṅkte) pr. md. (yuñjate) pft. (yuyoja) aor. [2] (ayujat) aor. [4] (ayokṣīt) pp. (yukta) pfp. (yogya, yugya, yoktavya) ppr. md. (yuñjāna) abs. (yuktvā, -yujya) pf. (anu, abhi, ā, ut, upa, ni, pra, prati, vi, sam) joindre, unir <acc.> avec <i.>; employer, traiter qqn. de telle manière | phil. unir à Dieu par le yoga — ca. (yojayati) juguler; atteler, équiper, harnasser; entreprendre; diriger son esprit, fixer son attention sur <loc.> — ps. (yujyate) être employé — dés.(yuyukṣati) désirer unir; vouloir employer || gr. ζευγνυμι; lat. jungo; fr. juguler.