Table des matières



verbe : connaître, établir, vérifier ; trouver, obtenir, posséder, apprécier

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

vindati [vid,both in meaning “to know” & “to find”; cp.Gr.ei]_don I saw,oi]_da I know=Sk.veda “Veda,” ei)/dwlon “idol”; Vedic vindati to find,vetti to know,vidyā knowledge; Goth.witan to observe & know= Ger.wissen; Goth.weis=E.wise,etc.for which see Walde,] the Vedic differentiations vetti “to know” and vindati “to find” are both in Pāli,but only in sporadic forms,some of which are archaic and therefore only found in poetry.Of vid are more frequent the Pass.vijjati and derivations fr.the Caus.ved°.The root vind occurs only in the present tense and its derivations.
A.- vid to know, to ascertain : The old Vedic pres.vetti only at Th.1,497 (spelt veti).Another old vedi [Sk.ayedīt] Dh.419,423; J.III,420 (=aññāsi); IV,35 (here perhaps as Caus.vedeti : to cause to know or feel).Remnants of the old perfect tense 3rd pl.[Sk.viduḥ] are vidū & viduṃ (appears as vidu in verse), Th.1,497; Sn.758; Pv.II,74 (=jānanti PvA.102); J.V,62 (=vijānanti C.); Mhvs 23,78.The old participle of the same tense is vidvā [=Sk.vidvān; cp.Geiger P.Gr.1002] in meaning “wise” Sn.792,897,1056,1060; expld as vijjāgato ñāṇī vibhāvī medhāvī at Nd1 93,308; Nd2 575.Opp. avidvā Sn.535; M.I,311.– Younger forms are a reconstructed (grammatical) pres.vidati DA.I,139; ger.viditvā S.V,193; Sn.353,365,581,1053,1068 and pp.vidita (q.v.).– Pass.vijjati to be found,to be known,to exist; very frequent,e.g.Sn.20 (pl.vijjare),21,431,611,856,1001,1026; Th.1,132; D.I,18; Pv.I,56; II,318 (spelt vijjite!) II.914 (=atthi C.); 3rd sg.pret.vijjittha Sn.1098 (mā v.=saṁvijjittha Nd2 568).ppr.vijjamāna existing J.I,214; III,127; PvA.25,87,103; Miln.216 (ānataṁ).‹-› Caus.vedeti; Pass.Caus.vediyati; grd.vedanīya : see separately,with other derivations.
B.- vind to find,possess,enjoy (cp.vitta1,vitta2,vitti) Sn.187 (vindate dhanaṁ),658; Th.1,551; 2,79 (aor.vindi); J.VI,508 (vindate,med.=look for,try to find for oneself); Mhvs 1,13 (ppr.vindaṃ); DhA.III,128 (ppr.vindanto),410.PvA.60,77.– inf.vindituṃ Miln.122; J 18; grd; vindiya Vism.526 (as avindiya in expln of avijjā).‹-› Cp.nibbindati.– pp.vitta 1 (for which adhigata in lit.meaning).

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

vid (1) v. [2] pr. (vetti) v. [6] pr. (vidati) pft. (veda) aor. [5] (avedīt) pp. (vidita) ppft. (vidvas) pfp. (veditavya, vedya) abs. (viditvā) pf. (ā, ni, prati, sam) savoir, connaître; connaître comme <2 acc.>; comprendre | éprouver, ressentir, avoir conscience de; voir — ps. (vidyate) être su, être connu — ca. (vedayati) ps. (vedyate) informer qqn. <dat.>; faire savoir, montrer, communiquer qqc. <acc.>; apprendre qqc. à qqn. <2 acc.> — dés.(vividiṣati) vouloir connaître, désirer savoir; investiguer — dés.(vivitsati) id. — int. (vevidīti) int. md. (vevidyate) bien savoir || lat. video; all. wissen, weise; ang. wit, wise.
vid (2) [relié à vid_1] v. [6] pr. (vindati) v. [2] pr. md. (vitte) pft. (viveda) aor. [2] (avidat) pp. (vitta, vinna) ppr. ps. (vidyamāna) pf. (nis) trouver, découvrir, acquérir, obtenir | procurer à qqn. <dat.> — pr. md. (vindate) obtenir en mariage, épouser — v. [7] pr. md. (vintte) discuter, considérer — ps. (vidyate) se trouver, exister, être.