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verbe : être debout, se tenir ; être ; demeurer ; se comporter

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

tiṭṭhati [Frequentative of Vedic sthā,stand (cp.sthāna,Lat.sto : see ṭhāna)=Av.hiśtaiti,Gr.i(ζthmi,Lat.sisto) to stand,etc.–

I.Forms : pres.ind.tiṭṭhati (Sn.333,434; Pv.I,51); imper.2nd tiṭṭha,3rd tiṭṭhatu ; ppr.tiṭṭhaṁtiṭṭhantotiṭṭhamāna ; pot.tiṭṭhe (Sn.918,968) & tiṭṭheyya (Sn.942); fut.ṭhassati (J.I,172,217); aor.aṭṭhāsi (J.I,279,pl.aṭṭhaṁsu J.II,129) & aṭṭhā (cp.agā,orig.impf.) (Sn.429; J.I,188); inf.ṭhātuṁ (PvA.174); ger.ṭhatvā (Sn.887); grd.ṭhānīya (PvA.72).– pp.ṭhita,Caus.ṭhapeti.An apparent Med.-Pass.ṭhīyati,as found in cpd.pati-ṭṭhīyati is to be expld as Med.of paṭi+sthyā (see thīna),and should be written paṭi-tthīyati.See under patiṭṭhīyati.See also ṭhāna & ṭhiti.–

II.Meanings.– stand,stand up,to be standing (see ṭhāna I.1a):ṭhānakappana-vacanaṁ nisajjādi-paṭikkhepato PvA.24; walking or lying down:tiṭṭhaṁ caraṁ nisinno vā Sn.151,193; tiṭṭhamānāya eva c’assā gabbhavuṭṭhānaṁ ahosi “she was delivered standing” J.I,52; ekamantaṁ aṭṭhāsi PvA.68,etc.; caṅkamana-koṭiyaṁ ṭhatvā PvA.79.– stop,stay,abide; to last,endure,be at rest; remain in,abide by,acquiesce in (see ṭhāna I.1b).In imper.tiṭṭhatu it approaches the meanings of ṭhapeti viz.leave it alone,let it be so,all right.yāva kāyo ṭhassati tāva naṁ dakkhinti deva-manussā (as long as the body shall last) D.I,46.tiṭṭhe shall he live on (cp.ṭhāna II.d Sn.1053,1072 =Nd2 283,tiṭṭheyya saṭṭhikappasahassāni to stay on indefinitely); tiṭṭheyya kappaṁ D.II,103.tiṭṭhantī anto vimānasmiṁ “remaining inside the castle” Pv.I,101; tiṭṭha tāva “stop please” J.II,352; tiṭṭhabhadantika one who bids the guest stay (combd w.ehi-bh°) D.I,166; M.I,342; A.I,295; II,206:ovāde ṭhatvā (abiding by) J.I,153; VI,367; similarly J.VI,336.– Imper.tiṭṭhatu J.IV,40; Miln.14; PvA.74.– live (on=Instr.),behave,exist,be (see ṭhāna I.2); to be in a certain condition [gati,cp.ṭhāna II.(c)].Often periphrastically for finite verb (with ger.:cp.gata & ṭhita) tiṭṭhantam enaṁ jānāti (he knows their “gati”) Sn.1114 (see Nd2 283); āhārena tiṭṭhati PvA.27 (is supported by,cp.ṭhiti); yāvatāyukaṁ ṭhatvā (outliving their lives) PvA.66; karuṇa-ṭhānīya (=*kāruṇayitabba) deserving pity PvA.72; yā tvaṁ tiṭṭhasi (how you are or look!) Vv 441,etc.– with ger.:pharitvā aṭṭhāsi (pervaded) J.VI,367; aṭṭhiṁ āhacca aṭṭhāsi (cut through to the bone) J.IV,415; gehaṁ samparivāretvā aṭṭhaṁsu (encircled the house) PvA.22.

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

stha [agt. sthā_1] ifc. a. m. n. f. sthā qui se tient, qui demeure, qui est (dans, sur, parmi); situé à | occupé à, qui pratique, qui fait | séjour de || lat. stabulum ; fr. étable.