Table des matières



verbe :

(1) : passer, traverser (une rivière), aller au-delà, dépasser, surmonter

(2) : se presser, se hâter

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

tarati (1) [Vedic tarati,*ter (tṛ) to get to the other side,cp.Lat.termenterminus,Gr.tέrmatέrqron ; also Lat.trans=Goth.pairh=Ags.purh=E.through] (lit.) to go or get through,to cross (a river),pass over,traverse ; (fig.) to get beyond, surmount,overcome,esp.oghaṁ (the great flood of life,desire,ignorance,etc.) S.I,53,208,214; V,168,186; Sn.173,273,771,1069; saṅgaṁ Sn.791; visattikaṁ Sn.333,857; ubhayaṁ (both worlds,here & beyond) Pv IV.131 (=atikkameti PvA.278); Nd2 28Q – ppr.taranto Vin.I,191 (Aciravati); grd.taritabba Vin.IV,65 (nadī); aor.atari J.III,189 (samuddaṁ) & atāri Sn.355,1047 (jāti-maraṇaṁ),pl.atāruṁ Sn.1045.– See also tāreti (Caus.), tāṇatāyatetirotiriyaṃtīratīreti
tarati (2) [tvarate] pp. tvarita ; also turatiturayati from *ter to turn round,move quickly,perhaps identical with the *ter of tarati (1); cp.Ohg.dweran=E.twirl; Gr.toru/nh=Lat.trua=Ger.quirl twirling-stick,also Lat.torqueo & turba & perhaps Ger.stūren,zerstören; E.storm,see Walde,Lat.Wtb.under trua] to be in a hurry,to make haste Th.1,291; ppr. taramāna in °rūpa (adj.) quickly,hurriedly Sn.417; Pv.II,62; PvA.181 (=turita) & ataramāna Vin.I,248; grd.taraṇīya Th.1,293.– See also turaturitaturiya

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

(1) tṝ var. tṛ v. [1] pr. (tarati) opt. (taret) v. [1] pr. (tirati) aor. ps. (atāri) aor. [4] (atārṣīt) aor. [5] (atārīt) pft. (tatāra) pp. (tīrṇa) abs. (tīrtvā, -tīrya) pf. (ava, ā, ut, pra, vi, sam) traverser, franchir, passer à travers | vaincre, surpasser | atteindre, parvenir à, accomplir, réaliser — ca. (tārayati) faire traverser, conduire; sauver, secourir | libérer de <abl.> — dés.(titīrṣati) dé (titīrṣate) cf. titīrṣ || gr. τερμα; lat. terminus; fr. terminer.
(2) tvar v. [1] pr. md. (tvarate) pp. (tvarita, tūrṇa) se hâter, se dépêcher, être pressé — ca. (tvarayati) faire se presser; précipiter, accélérer || lat. turba ; fr. turbulent.