Table des matières


sa (1)

substantif (féminin) : la lettre s ou la syllabe sa

sa (2)

base du pronom personnel/démonstratif : cela (taṃ), il (so), elle ()

sa (3)

contraction du préfixe (invariable) saṃ- : avec, en possession de, ayant

sa (4)

pronom réfléchi de la 3e pers. du sing. : lui-même, elle-même, cela même, propre…

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

sa (1) the letter s (sa – kāra) SnA 23; or the syllable sa DhA ii.6; PvA

sa (2) [Idg. *so – (m.), *sā – (f.); nom. sg. to base *to – of the oblique cases; cp. Sk. sa (saḥ), sā; Av. hō, hā; Gr. o(, h(; Goth. sa, sō; Ags. sē “the” (=that one); pe – s=E. thi – s] base of the nom. of the demonstr. pron. that, he, she. The form sg. m. sa is rare (e. g. Dh 142; Sn 89). According to Geiger (P.Gr. § 105) sa occurs in Sn 40 times, but so 124 times. In later Pāli sa is almost extinct. The final o of so is often changed into v before vowels, and a short vowel is lengthened after this v : svājja Sn 998=so ajja; svāhaṃ J i.167=so ahaṃ ; svāyaṃ Vin i.2=so ayaṃ. The foll. vowel is dropped in so maṃ It 57=so imaṃ. – A form se is Māgadhism for nt. acc. sg. taṃ, found e. g. at D ii.278, 279; M ii.254, 255, and in combn seyyathā, seyyathīdaṃ (for which taṃyathā Miln 1). An idiomatic use is that of so in meaning of “that (he or somebody),” e. g. “so vata . . . palipanno paraṃ palipannaṃ uddharissatī ti: n' etaṃ ṭhānaṃ vijjati” M i.45; cp. “sā 'haṃ dhammaṃ nâssosiṃ” that I did not hear the Dh. Vv 405. Or in the sense of a cond. (or causal) part. “if,” or “once,” e. g. sa kho so bhikkhu . . . upakkileso ti iti viditvā . . . upakkilesaṃ pajahati “once he has recognised . . .” M i.37. Cp. ya˚ ii.2 b. On correl. use with ya˚ (yo so etc.) see ya˚ ii.

sa (3) [identical with saṃ-] prefix, used as first pt. of compounds, is the sense of “with,” possessed of, having, same as; e. g. sadevaka with the devas Vin i.8; sadhammika having common faith D ii.273; sajāti having the same origin J ii.108. Often opposed to a- and other neg. prefixes (like nir-). Sometimes almost pleonastical (like sa – antara). – Of combinations we only mention a few of those in which a vocalic initial of the 2nd pt. remains uncontracted. Other examples see under their heading in alph. order. E. g. sa – antara inside DhA iii.788 (for santara Dh 315); sa – Inda together with Indra D ii.261, 274; A v.325 sq.; ˚ – uttara having something beyond, inferior (opp. an˚) D i.80; ii.299=M i.59; Dhs 1292, 1596; DhsA 50; ˚ – uttaracchada (& ˚chadana) a carpet with awnings above it D i.7≈; ii.187 (˚ava); A i.181; Vin i.192; DA i.87; – ˚udaka with water, wet Vin i.46; – ˚udariya born from the same womb, a brother J iv.417, cp. sodariya; – ˚uddesa with explanation It 99; Vism 423 (nāma – gotta – vasena sa – udd.; vaṇṇ'ādi – vasena sākāra); – ˚upanisa together with its cause, causally associated S ii.30; – ˚upavajja having a helper M iii.266; – ˚upādāna showing attachment M ii.265; – ˚upādisesa having the substratum of life remaining Sn 354; It 38; Nett 92. Opp. anupādisesa; – ˚ummi roaring of the billows It 57, 114. – Note. sa2 & sa3 are differentiations of one and the same sa, which is originally the deictic pronoun in the function of identity & close connection. See etym. under saṃ˚

sa (4) (reflex. pron.) [Vedic sva & svayaṃ (=P. sayaṃ); Idg. *seṷo, *sṷe; cp. Av. hava & hva own; Gr. e(o/s & o(/s his own; Lat. sui, suus; Goth. swēs own, sik=Ger. sich himself; etc.] own M i.366; D ii.209; Sn 905; J ii.7; iii.164, 323 (loc. samhi lohite), 402 (acc. saṃ his own, viz. kinsman; C=sakaṃ janaṃ); iv.249 (saṃ bhātaraṃ); Pv ii.121=DhA iii.277 (acc. san tanuṃ); instr. sena on one's own, by oneself J v.24 (C. not quite to the point: mama santakena). Often in composition, like sadesa one's own country Dāvs i.10. Cp. saka