Table des matières



verbe : plaire, être agréable ; (+ acc.) trouver son plaisir dans, apprécier, être attaché à, approuver

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

rocati [Vedic rocate,ruc,Idg.*leuq,as in Lat.luceo to be bright (cp.lūx light,lūmen,lūna etc.); Sk.rocana splendid,ruci light,roka & rukṣa light; Av.raocantshining; Gr.amfi-lu/kh twi-light,leukόs white; also with 1:Sk.loka world,locate to perceive,locana eye; Lith.laukti to await; Goth.liuhap light=Ohg.lioht,E.light; Oir lōche lightning.– The Dhtp (& Dhtm) gives 2 roots ruc,viz.the one with meaning “ditti” (Dhtp 37),the other as “rocana” (Dhtp 395),both signifying “light” or “splendour,” but the second probably to be taken in sense of “pleasing”] please, pleases (with Dat.of person) Th.2,415 (rocate); Mhvs 15,9 (nivāso rocatu).Cp.BSk.rocyate AvŚ II.158.– find pleasure in (Loc.) Miln.338 (bhave).– Caus.roceti: be pleased,to give one’s consent DhA.I,387 (gloss K rucitha ruceyyātha).‹-› 2.(with Acc.of object) to find pleasing,to find delight in,to be attached to,to approve of,to choose S.I,41 (vadhaṁ); J.I,142 (Devadattassa laddhiṁ r.); V,178 (pabbajjaṁ roc’ahaṁ=rocemi C.),226 (kammaṁ).‹-› Freq.with dhammaṁ to approve of a doctrine or scheme, Vin.II,199 (Devadattassa dhammaṁ); S.I,133; Sn.94 (asataṁ dh.),398 (dhammaṁ imaṁ rocaye); J.IV,53 (dh.asataṁ na rocayāma).– Cp.abhi°, ā°, vi°.

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

ruc v. [1] pr. md. (rocate) pft. (ruruce) aor. [2] (arucat) aor. [5] (arociṣṭa) pp. (rucita) pfp. (rucya) pf. (abhi, pra, vi) luire, briller; être beau | sembler beau ou bon, être désirable, plaire (à <dat. g.>) — ca. (rocayati) faire briller, illuminer; aimer, approuver || gr. λευκος; lat. lūceo; ang. light; all. Licht; fr. luciole.