Table des matières


na / nā

(1) particule d'insistance : juste ainsi, comme cela

(2) particule adversative et négative : non, ne pas

(3) pronom personnel, 3e pers. du sing. (so, taṃ, )

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

(1) na [ (in cana) & (in nānāvinā) Idg.pron.base *no,cp.Gr.nai/; Lat.nae surely,also ego-ne & in question utruṃne,nam ; fuller form *eno,as in Sk.anā (adv.) anena,anayā (Instr.pron.3rd); Gr.e)/nh “that day”; Lat.enim] expletive-emphatic particle,often used in comparative-indefinite sense : just so,like this,as if,as (see cana & canaṃ) J.V,339 (Com.cttha na-kāro upamāne).Also as naṃ (cp.cana› canaṃ) Vin.II,81,186 (kathaṃ naṃ = kathaṃ nu); J.II,416; V,302; VI,213 (Com.p.216:ettha eko na-karo pucchanattho hoti); Th.1,1204; Miln.177.Perhaps at Sn.148 (kattha-ci naṃ,v.l.BB na; but Com.KhA 247= etaṃ).To this na belongs na3; see also nu & nanu

(2) na [*ně; in n’unquam etc.,; ca=Lat.neque=Goth.nih.Also Sk.nā= Idg.*nē,cp.Lat.Goth.nē] negātive & adversative particle “not” (Nd2 326:paṭikkhepa; KhA 170:paṭisedhe) 1.often apostr.n’ : n’atthi,n’etaṁ etc.; or contracted :nāhaṁ,nāpi etc.,or with cuphonic consonant y : nayidaṁ (It.29,J.IV,3),nayidha (It.36,37),nayimaṁ (It.15) etc.As double negation implying emphatic affirmation : na kiñci na all,everything J.I,295.– 2.In disjunctive clauses : na ... na neither-nor,so-or not so.In question : karoti na karoti (“or not”) J.II,133.Cp.mā in same use.‹-› Often with added pi (api) in second part : na-nāpi neither-nor (“not-but also not”) S.II,65; M.I,246; Pv.I,119.– 3.In syntactic context mostly emphasized by var.negative & adversative particles,viz.nāpi (see under 2); n’eva indeed not,not for all that J.III,55; or not KhA 219; n’eva-na neither-nor D.I,33,35; M.I,486; A.V,193; J.I,207,279; Vin.II,185; DhA.I,328; II,65; DA.I,186,188; n’eva-na pana id.D.I,24; na kho not indeed J.II,134; na ca but not (=this rather than that) J.I,153; na tāva=na kho Vv 3713; na nu (in quest.= noQne) is it not? PvA.74,136; na no surely not Sn.224; na hi [cp.Gr.ou/xi/ not at all; nai/xi certainly] certainly not Dh.5,184; Sn.666; Kh VII.6; na hi jātu id.Sn.152.– See also nuno.– 4,na is also used in the function of the negative prefix a- (an-) in cases where the word-negation was isolated out of a sentence negation or where a negated verb was substantified,e.g.(a) nacira (=acira) short,napparūpa abundant,napuṁsaka neuter,neka (=aneka) several; (b) natthi,natthika etc.(q.v.).

(3) na [identical with na (1)] base of demonstr.pron.3rd pers.(=ta°),only in foll.cases :ṃ (mostly enclitic),fuller form enaṃ him,her,that one etc.Sn.139,201,385,418,980,1076 ; It.32 ; Dh.42,230 ; J.I,152,172,222 ; III,281; KhA 220; DhA.I,181; III,173; PvA.3,68,73 – them It.110 (v.l.te); Sn.223 (=te manusse KhA 169) ; J.II,417 ; III,204 ; V,458 ; DhA.I,8,13,61,101,390 ; VvA.299.–ṃ D.I,175,191; It.63; J.I,153; DhA.IV,41; VvA.37,136.; PvA.54,201,207.See also cna; cp.nava2.

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

(2) na part. non, ne pas; il n'est pas vrai que | (N <abl. i.> na M) M moins N || gr. νη ; lat. ne ; fr. ne, non.