

verbe : penser, avoir comme opinion, imaginer ; considérer ; être convaincu, être sûr, connaître ; être fier de, être vaniteux

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

maññati [man, Vedic manyate & manute, Av. mainyeite; Idg. *men, cp. Gr. me/nos mood, anger=Sk. manah mind; me/mona to think of, wish to, Lat. memini to think of, mens>mind, meneo; Goth. munan to think, muns opinion; Oisl. man, Ags. mon; Ohg. minna love, Ags, myne intention. Dhtp 427:man=ñāṇe, 524= bodhane] 1. to think, to be of opinion, to imagine, to deem Sn 199 (sīsaṃ . . . subhato naṃ maññati bālo), 588 (yena yena hi maññanti, tato taṃ hoti aññathā); J ii.258 (maññāmi ciraṃ carissati: I imagine he will have to wander a long time). – With (double) acc.: to take for, to consider as; na taṃ maññāmi mānusiṃ I deem you are not human Pv ii.41; yassa dāni kālaṃ maññati for this now may he think it time (in a phrase of departure), let him do what he thinks fit, we wait the Buddha's pleasure, i. e. let it be time to go [so also BSk. manyate kālaṃ, e. g. Divy 50, 64 etc.] D i.189. ↔ Esp. in phrase taṃ kiṃ maññasi (maññatha 2. pl.) what do you think of this? (the foll.), what is your opinion about this? D i.60; S iii.104 & passim. – Pot. 1st sg. maññeyyaṃ I should think PvA 40; 3rd sg. maññeyya S iii.103, and maññe Sn 206. The short form 1st sg. maññe is used like an adv. as affirmative particle & is inserted without influencing the grammatical or syntactical construction of the sentence; meaning: methinks, for certain, surely, indeed, I guess, presumably. E. g. Di.137 (patapati m. paccatthike yasasā); S i.181 (m. 'haṃ); iv.289 (paveliyamānena m. kāyena); J ii.275; Miln 21; Vism 90, 92 (mato me m. putto); DhA i.107;ii.51; PvA 40 (m. goṇo samuṭṭhahe), 65 (tasmā m. sumuttā). – na maññe surely not DhA ii.84; PvA 75 (n. m. puññavā rājā). – 2. to know, to be convinced, to be sure Sn 840 (=jānāti Nd1 192), 1049, 1142; Nd2 491 (=jānāti); DhA i.29 (maññāmi tuvaṃ marissasi). – 3. to imagine, to be proud (of), to be conceited, to boast Sn 382 (ppr. maññamāna), 806, 813, 855 (maññate); J iii.530 (aor. maññi 'haṃ, perhaps maññe 'haṃ? C. explns by maññāmi). – pp. mata. – Note.Another Present form is munāti (q. v.), of which the pp. is muta.

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

man v. [4] pr. (manyati) pr. md. (manyate) impft. md. (amanyata) v. [8] pr. md. (manute) pft. md. (mene) pp. (mata) pfp. (mantavya, manya) abs. (matvā, -matya) pf. (anu, apa, abhi, ava, pra, vi, sam) penser, réfléchir, juger | savoir; croire, s'imaginer, supposer | considérer comme, tenir pour <2 acc.> | considérer, estimer, faire cas de | penser peu de <dat.> — ps. (manyate) pp. (māna) estimer hautement, apprécier, honorer — ca. (mānayati) honorer, respecter — dés. md. (mīmāṃsate) réfléchir, vouloir comprendre ||


3e pers. maññati maññanti
2e pers. maññasi maññatha
1ère pers. maññāmi maññāma
3e pers. maññatu maññantu
2e pers. maññāhi maññatha
1ère pers. maññāmi maññāma
3e pers. maññeyya, maññe maññeyyuṃ
2e pers. maññeyyāsi maññeyyātha
1ère pers. maññeyyaṃ, maññeyyāmi maññeyyāma
3e pers. maññissati maññissanti
2e pers. maññissasi maññissatha
1ère pers. maññissāmi maññissāma
3e pers. maññissa, maññissā maññissaṃsu
2e pers. maññissa maññissatha
1ère pers. maññissaṃ maññissāma