Table des matières



verbe : porter, prendre avec soi ; apporter, offrir ; (re)cueillir ; emporter, enlever, faire disparaître, abolir ; enlever par la force, piller, voler ; détruire

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

harati [Idg.*ĝher; in meaning “take” cp.Gr.xeiρ hand; in meaning “comprise” cp.Lat.cohors.Gr.xόrtos; Ags.geard=yard.– The Dhtm expls har laconically by “haraṇa”] carry J.II,176; Dh.124; to take with one D.I,8,142; opposed to paccāharati VbhA.349-354; SnA 52-58.– bring J.I,208; to offer J.I,238; Sn.223.– take,gather (fruits) Miln.263.– fetch,buy J.I,291 (mama santikā).– carry away,to remove D.II,160,166; J.I,282; Sn.469; Mhvs 1,26; to do away with,to abolish J.I,345.– take away by force,to plunder,steal D.I,52; J.I,187; V,254.‹-› take off,to destroy J.I,222 (jīvitaṁ),310 (visaṁ); to kill J.I,281.– Forms : aor.ahāsi Sn.469 sq.; Dh.3; J.IV,308; cp.upasaṁhāsi S.V,214; pahāsipariyudāhāsiajjhupāhari ; ger.haritvā D.II,160; hātūna J.IV,280 (=haritvā C.); inf.harituṁ J.I,187; hātave Th.1,186; hātuṁ : see voharatihattuṁ : see āharati ; Fut.hāhiti J.VI,500 (=harissati).– Pass.harīyati M.I,33; hīrati J.V,254 ; pret.ahīratha J.V,253; grd. haritabba J.I,187,281.– pp. haṭa.– Caus. hāreti to cause to take Sn.395; to cause to be removed,to remove J.I,345; II,176; III,431 (somebody out of office); hāretabba that which should be taken out of the way J.I,298; Caus.II. harāpeti to cause to be brought,to offer Vin.I,245; J.II,38; to cause to be taken (as a fine) Miln.193

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

hṛ v. [1] pr. (harati) fut. (hariṣyati) pft. (jahāra) pft. md. (jahāre) pp. (hṛta) pfp. (hārya) inf. (hartum) pf. (apa, abhi, ava, ā, ut, upa, nis, pari, pra, prati, vi, sam) porter, apporter, transporter ; présenter | prendre (avec soi), saisir ; emporter, enlever | dérober, voler, piller ; supprimer, couper (un bras, la tête) — pr. md. (harate) s'approprier ; gagner, vaincre; charmer, ravir — ps. (hriyate) être pris, être saisi, être enlevé — ca. (hārayati) faire emmener, faire prendre ; être privé de, perdre — dés. (jihīrṣati) vouloir enlever.