Table des matières



adjectif numéral : un / une, singulier, unique (s'oppose à nānā : varié, nombreux) ; seul, par soi-même,

Exemples :

ablatifekasmā, ekamhāekasmā, ekamhā
locatifekasmiṃ, ekamhiekesuekasmiṃ, ekamhiekesuekāsuekāsu

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

eka (adj. – num.) [Vedic eka, i. e. e – ka to Idg. *oi as in Av. aēva, Gr. oi)_os one, alone; and also with diff. suffix in Lat. ū – nus, cp. Gr. oi)no/s (one on the dice), Goth. etc. ains = E. one] one. Eka follows the pron. declension, i. e. nom. pl. is eke (e. g. Sn 43, 294, 780 etc.) – 1. “one” as number, either with or without contrast to two or more; often also “single” opp. to nānā various, many (q. v.). Very frequent by itself as well as with other numerals, ekangula one thumb Mhvs 29, 11; DhA iii. 127; ekapasse in one quarter DhA ii.52; ekamaccha a single fish J i.222. In enumeration: eka dve pañca dasa DhA i.24. With other numerals: ekatiṃsa (31) D ii.2; ekasaṭṭhi (61) Vin i.20; ekanavuti (91) DhA i.97; ekasata (101) DhA ii.14. Cp. use of “one less” in ekūna (see under cpds. & ūna). – 2. (as predicative and adj.) one, by oneself, one only, alone, solitary A iii.67 (ekuddesa); J i.59 (ekadivasena on the one day only, i. e. on the same day); Dh 395; Sn 35, 1136 (see Nd2 172a), ekaṃ ekaṃ one by one S i 104 (devo ekaṃ ekaṃ phusāyati rains drop by drop), cp. ekameka. – 3. a certain one, some one, some; adj. in function of an indefinite article = a, one (definite or indefinite): ekasmiṃ samaye once upon a time J i.306; ekena upāyena by some means J iii.393; ekaṃ kulaṃ gantuṃ to a certain clan (corresp. with asuka) DhA i.45; ekadivasaṃ one day J i.58; iii.26; PvA 67. Cp. Sn 1069 (see Nd2 172b). – All these three categories are found represented in freq. cpds.
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Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

eka pn. m. n. f. ekā sg. un, l'un, unique; seul, solitaire, seulement | un certain, un tel | pl. eke quelques, certains — n. unité.