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verbe : viens !

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

ehi [imper.of eti] come,come here Sn.165; J II 159; VI,367; DhA.I,49.In the later language part.of exhortation = Gr.a)/ge,Lat.age,“come on” DhA.II,91; PvA.201 (+ tāva = a)/ge dή).ehipassika (adj.) [ehi + passa + ika] of the Dhamma,that which invites every man to come to see for himself,open to all,expld. at Vism.216 as “ehi,passa imaṁ dhamman ti evaṁ pavattaṁ ehi-passavidhaṁ arahatī ti”,D.II,217; III,5,227; S.I,9; IV,41,272; V,343; A.I,158; II,198.ehibhadantika one who accepts an invitation D.I,166; M.I,342; II,161; A.I,295; II,206.ehi bhikkhu “come bhikkhu!” the oldest formula of admission to the order Vin.I,12; III,24; DhA.I,87; J.I,82; f.ehi bhikkhunī Vin.IV,214 pl.etha bhikkhavo DhA.I,95.ehibhikkhu-pabbajjā initiation into Bhikkhuship SnA 456.ehibhikkhubhāva –state of being invited to join the Saṅgha,admission to the Order J.I,82,86; DhA.II,32; SnA 456.ehisāgata-(& svāgata-)vādin a man of courtesy ( who habitually says:“come you are welcome”) D.I,116; Vin.II,11; III,181.