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nom féminin : vue, théorie, croyance, spéculation

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

diṭṭhi(f.) [Sk.dṛṣṭi; cp.dassana] view,belief,dogma,theory,speculation,esp.false theory,groundless or unfounded opinion.– (a) The latter is rejected by the Buddha as pāpa° (A.IV,172) and pāpikā d.(opp.bhaddikā:A.V,212 sq.; It.26):Vin.I,98,323; Dh.164; Pv IV.354; whereas the right,the true,the best doctrine is as sammā d.the first condition to be complied with by anyone entering the Path.As such the sammā opposed to micchā d.wrong views or heresy (see b).Equivalent with micchā kudiṭṭhi (late) Dāvs II.58.– (b) Characterized more especially as:(a) sammā diṭṭhi right doctrine,right philosophy Vin.I,10; S.II,17; V,11,14,30 sq.,458 sq.,M.I,315; II,12,29,87; III,72; Nd2 485; Vbh.104 sq.See magga.– ujukā d.S.V,143,165; ujugatā d.M.I,46 sq.– (b) micchā d.wrong theory,false doctrine S.I,145; II,153 (caused by avijjā); M.III,71; Dh.167,316; Nd2 271IIIb; Vbh.361,389.– The foll.theories are to be considered as varieties of micchā d.,viz.(in limited enumn) akiriyavāda S.III,208; IV,349; aññaṁ aññena S.III,211; antaggāhikā A.I,154; II,240; III,130; antânantikā D.I,22 sq.S.III,214,258 sq.; assāda° A.III,447; ahetukavādā S.III,210; ucchedavādā D.I,34; S.II,20; III,99; 110 sq.; bhava° S.III,93; M.I,65; A.I,83; sakkāya° A.III,438; V,144; Sn.231 (cp.KhA 188); Nd2 271IIIb (20 fold,as diṭṭhilepa); sassatavādā D.I,13; S.II,20; III,98,213 sq.,258 sq.– (c) Various theories & doctrines are mentioned & discussed at:Vin.I,115; S.I,133; II,61 sq.,75 sq.,222; III,215 sq.,258 sq.; IV,286; V,448 (=D.I,31); D.III,13 sq.,45,246,267; M.I,40; A.I,32; II,252 sq.; III,132,289,349; Th.2,184; Ps.I,135 sq.; Pug.22; Dhs.392,1003 (cp.Dhs.trsl.pp.257 sq.,293,325); Vbh.145,245,341,393 sq.; Sdhp.13,333.– (d) Miscellaneous:4 diṭṭhiyo at Vbh.376; also at Vism.511 (sakkāya°,uccheda°,sassata°,akiriya°); 5 Vbh.378; 6 at M.I,8; Vbh.382; 7 at Vbh.383; 20 see under sakkāya°; 62 under diṭṭhigata.– In series diṭṭhi khanti ruci laddhi characterizing “diṭṭhadhamma” at Nd2 299 & passim.Diṭṭhiyā sutiyā ñāṇena in def.of a theory of cognition at Nd2 300 as complementing taṇhā:see taṇhā B 3.Coupled with vācā & citta in formula (taṁ) vācaṁ appahāya cittaṁ appahāya diṭṭhiṁ appaṭinissajjitvā ...(nikkhitto evaṁ niraye) at S.IV,319= D.III,13,15; combd with (& opposed to) sīla (as pāpaka & bhaddaka) at It.26,27.– diṭṭhiṁ āsevati to hold a view M.I,323; °ṁ bhindati to give up a view J.I,273; Dāvs II.58.
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Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

dṛṣṭi [act. dṛś_1] f. vue, vision; regard, coup d'œil, œil; notion, point de vue | compréhension, intelligence; connaissance. dṛṣṭiṃ dā regarder <loc.>; jeter un coup d'œil.